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About pimlinders

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Valid xhtml w/ dataXML?

    Thanks Shamasis, looking forward to the new code
  2. Valid xhtml w/ dataXML?

    The PHP function inserts the fusionchart object, it doesnt use javascript the render the page, placing this code block with javascript tags causing the chart not to display.
  3. Valid xhtml w/ dataXML?

    I'm using the renderChartHTML function found in ..CodePHPIncludesfusioncharts.php to produce my chart, i'm also using dataXML to set the xml data which I generate with php. Because i'm using dataXML the data gets printed in the source code and because of that I can't generate a valid xhtml http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestsellprice.com%2Fsearch.php%3Fitemnum%3D1%26keyword%3Dharry%2520potter%2520book%25206&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.654 What can I do to make my page valid? Thanks ahead of time for the help.
  4. Update chart automatically every minute?

    I ended up creating a php file that generates xml files and took out the php code that generated the initial xml file on the main page and having javascript generate the chart, everything works now, thanks for the help!
  5. Update chart automatically every minute?

    thanks Rajroop, i'll look over this and let you know.
  6. Update chart automatically every minute?

    I'm generating my xml with PHP, I guess I should create a php function that gets called on load and call that function using setInterval. Does any one know of a way to do this, I assume this is done with ajax but I'm a little confused on how I could refresh only the chart and not the entire page. Again thanks for the help.
  7. dynamicly change label / labelStep?

    Thats what I'm currently using, I guess the only way to handle this is to get a count and update labelstep dynamically. I'm basically looking to have 10 labels on the x axis, no matter how many points there are.
  8. I'm creating a chart where the new data is added every minute, eventually I'll have hundreds of entries that I want to graph. I want to display only 10 items in the x axis label area so that when I have 100 entries i see every 10th element, if there's a 1000 i'll see every 100th, etc etc. Thank for the help!
  9. I'm trying to figure out how to have my charts updated every minute without the user having to do anything (such as clicking on a button/chart), Is this possible to do? My data is stored in a mysql database and I based my php code off of the "Combining FusionCharts, PHP & JavaScript (dataURL) method".