Hello,Thanks for sharing integration of FusionChart with JSF. Do you have any similar integration solution for Struts 2 as well.
Recently I'm wokring on the same for my latest project, where we are preparing some dashboard like view that will display multiple FusionChart on same page and sometimes in different tabbed pane.
For that I have used an raw approach :
Here is a code snippet from my jsp
sx:tabbedpanel id="chartTabs" cssStyle="overflow-x: hidden;" cssClass="tabmenu" selectedTab="1">
<sx:div id="chart" label="Sample Chart" href="chartData" theme="ajax" loadingText="Loading..">
</sx:div>where chartData is my action class which on the turn returns another jsp page
script type="text/javascript">
var responseXML = ajaxCall('type=chart');
var myChart = new FusionCharts("WebTrack/Chart/FCF_MSLine.swf", "myChartId", "400", "270", "0", "0");myChart.setDataXML(responseXML);
script>Here the method ajaxCall calls the another servlet for input xml.
It's working fine, but definately I'm hacking the Struts Framework.
Can you share related tld for the same?
My environment:
1. Tomcat 6.0.14
2. Struts 2 (struts2-core-2.1.6.jar & xwork-2.1.2.jar)