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Everything posted by ChartsJazz

  1. Line break in X-axis does not work

    I want to put a line break in X-axis labels. I followed the instructions at under the heading "Applying HTML to labels" and it doesn't work. I get "Invalid XML data." I am using the dataXML method with Classic ASP.
  2. We have FusionCharts Enterprise 3.1 and are using it with Classic ASP. After a page containing some charts is rendered, frequently the charts don't display until the mouse is moved over them. In addition, once the charts display, other objects on the page, i.e., text boxes and dropdowns, are very slow to respond to keystrokes, as if FusionCharts is still trying to do something on the client and has not completed whatever it is doing. I am using: Call renderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Charts/" & strHourlyChartType & ".swf", "", strXML, "myHourlyChart", intHourlyChartWidth, intHourlyChartHeight, false) Other questions: Are we eligible to upgrade for free to the latest version of FusionCharts? If we upgrade, are there any code changes I will need to make, or is the latest version entirely backwards compatible with version 3.1? I read that in the latest version of FusionCharts the charts can use JavaScript to render them instead of Flash. Does that provide better performance? Perhaps that would solve the problems described above. What code changes would I need to make to render the charts with JavaScript instead of Flash? Thanks.
  3. Another problem: the first chart is COLUMN3D.swf. Below that I added an SSGrid.swf using the same XML data. So I have: Call renderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Charts/" & strHourlyChartType & ".swf", "", strXML, "myHourlyChart", intHourlyChartWidth, intHourlyChartHeight, false) followed by Call renderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Charts/SSGrid.swf", "", strXML, "myHourlyChart", intHourlyGridWidth, intHourlyGridHeight, false) When the page first loads I get "Error loading data" for the grid chart. When I turn on debug it displays: "WARNING: Could not find dataXML or dataURL parameter. Setting dataURL to default data file Data.xml." When I refresh the page both charts display without error (except, as I wrote below, I have to mouse over the page to get the charts to display). With all of these problems there seem to be timing issues of some sort.
  4. Attached is a .png file showing a chart with yearly data, rendered as a 3D column chart. I want to overlay this chart with 3D bars showing quarterly data, with four 3D bars in front of each year bar. I do not want to change the X axis labels, so I don't think this is a request for dual X axis, which FusionCharts does not currently support even though users have been requesting it for at least three years in this forum. However, the quarter series has four times as many data points as the year series, and I want the year bars to remain as wide as they are now, with each group of four quarter bars displayed in front of each year bar. I hope that's clear. If not, I can fake a modified picture of the enclosed .png to illustrate what I want. The UI has a dropdown which allows the user to change the chart type. If the user selects line, I want this chart to have two lines, one with a data point for each year and another line with a data point for each quarter within each year. Again, I don't want to change the X axis labels. Similarly, the user can select 2D column and area chart. In each case I want the data for both the years and the quarters to be rendered with the same type that the user selects, and no change to the X axis. 1. How can I accomplish this with FusionCharts Enterprise? 2. When will the next version of FusionCharts be released? 3. Will the next version of FusionCharts support dual X axes? Thank you in advance for your reply.
  5. Line break in X-axis does not work

    Basundhara, I want the line break in the X axis labels as in "set label='2<BR;>05'" , not the tooltips. Even so, I tried applying the style to the TOOLTIP object, which makes no sense. It didn't make any difference; I still get "Invalid XML data." "set label='2 05'" with the style applied to DATALABELS works. The documentation is just wrong regarding using "<BR;>" for a line break in the X axis labels. There is no second method.
  6. Line break in X-axis does not work

    Basundhara, If you look at the code I included in my earlier post, you will see that "<BR>" is where I started and that does not work. <set label='2<BR>05' value='119904' toolText='04/01/2005 - 06/30/2005: 119,904' color='0000ff'/> <styles><definition><style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' face='Verdana' size='12' isHTML='1'/></definition><application><apply toObject='DATALABELS' styles='myHTMLFont' /></application></styles>
  7. I posted this message on 3/24/2010, a week ago, and have not received a reply from FusionCharts. The company I work for purchased the Enterprise version of FusionCharts last year and I would like some support from FusionCharts for the product. Attached is a .png file showing a chart with yearly data, rendered as a 3D column chart. I want to overlay this chart with 3D bars showing quarterly data, with four 3D bars in front of each year bar. I do not want to change the X axis labels, so I don't think this is a request for dual X axis, which I understand FusionCharts does not currently support. However, the quarter series has four times as many data points as the year series, and I want the year bars to remain as wide as they are now, with each group of four quarter bars displayed in front of each year bar. I hope that's clear. If not, I can fake a modified picture of the enclosed .png to illustrate what I want. The UI has a dropdown which allows the user to change the chart type. If the user selects line, I want this chart to have two lines, one with a data point for each year and another line with a data point for each quarter within each year. Again, I don't want to change the X axis labels. Similarly, the user can select 2D column and area chart. In each case I want the data for both the years and the quarters to be rendered with the same type that the user selects, and no change to the X axis. 1. How can I accomplish this with FusionCharts Enterprise? 2. When will the next version of FusionCharts be released? 3. Will the next version of FusionCharts support dual X axes? Thank you in advance for your reply.
  8. Line break in X-axis does not work

    Rajroop,Thanks. worked. But the documentation at the link I listed in my original post on this topic said to use ;ltBRgt;
  9. Sudipto, Thank you for your prompt reply, which has been my experience on the FusionCharts forums in the past. Thank you for your suggestion. However, I looked at the documentation for MSCombi3D chart for with clustered settings at and that will not do what I want to accomplish. In the examples on that page, whether clustered is 1 or 0 there are the same number of bars in every series. I want two series with a different number of bars in each series. One series is years. For example, 2005 through 2010 would have 6 bars. The other series is quarters. There are 4 quarters per year, so the second series would have 24 bars. The width of each bar in the year series should be as wide as 4 quarter bars. The 4 quarter bars for each year should be "in front of" the bar in the year series for that year.
  10. Line break in X-axis does not work

    I am using FusionCharts v. 3.1.1 Enterprise. Below is what I think is the relevant part of the code, copied from View Source in IE7. If you want to see the entire code for the chart, let me know. <set label='2<BR>05' value='119904' toolText='04/01/2005 - 06/30/2005: 119,904' color='0000ff'/> <styles><definition><style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' face='Verdana' size='12' isHTML='1'/></definition><application><apply toObject='DATALABELS' styles='myHTMLFont' /></application></styles>
  11. setDataXML lets you change the strXML for a chart without refreshing the whole page, using client-side JavaScript and AJAX. But the chart type is not in the strXML. I have a dropdown that lets the user select the chart type. When the user selects a new chart type, how can I change the chart type without refreshing the whole page, using the client-side JavaScript onchange event for the dropdown?
  12. setDataXML error

    FusionCharts v.3 Enterprise, Classic ASP with JavaScript .asp includes FusionCharts.asp and FusionCharts.js Chart is rendered in the .asp with Call renderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Charts/COLUMN3D.swf", "", strXML, "myChart", intChartWidth, intChartHeight, false) This works. Now when I try to update the chart from a JS function using setDataXML: function updateChart(DOMId){ var myChart = getChartFromId("myChart"); alert(; myChart.setDataXML("<chart><set label='B' value='12' /><set label='C' value='10' /><set label='D' value='18' /><set label='E' value='21' /></chart>"); } alert(; returns "myChart" which is correct even though the chart is inside <form></form> tags. I hard-coded the strXML data for testing to eliminate other possible problems. (I used the value from one of the FusionCharts doc pages.) The last line of the function, starting with "myChart.setDataXML," returns a JS error: "Object does not support this property or method." What am I doing wrong?
  13. setDataXML error

    That worked! Thank you. By the way, I stated in my first post on this topic that I was using Classic ASP. Thread closed.
  14. How can I change the chart type with JS/Ajax?

    Thank you for the Ajax sample files. I will look at them. However, why was this folder not included with the Enterprise version v3 of FusionCharts that the company I work for purchased? We only bought it late last year. Is there a new version that I should download? If so, where do I download it from?
  15. setDataXML error

    This is disturbing that FusionCharts now has a .dll. One reason I advised the company I work for to buy FusionCharts is that it had no .dll and all I needed to copy to the web server was FusionCharts.asp, FusionCharts.js, and the .swf files for the chart types I wanted to use. The contract I work on does not allow us to install .dlls on the web server. We are developing in Classic ASP, which does not get compiled and does not use any .dlls.
  16. How can I change the chart type with JS/Ajax?

    1. I am not rendering the chart in a div. I could, but I'm not. 2. I have attached a partial screenshot of the folder structure and files I have (FusionCharts v.3 Enterprise). It does not include any folder called AjaxSample under the ASP folder.
  17. setDataXML error

    renderChartHTML only accepts 7 parameters. When I try to add an 8th param, whether I set it to 1 or "1" or true or "true" the browser displays: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01C2) Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'renderChartHTML'
  18. How can I change the chart type with JS/Ajax?

    In addition, all the posts at that link describe changing the XML of the chart. I do not want to change the XML of the chart. I want to change the chart type, i.e., specify a different .swf file, when the user selects the chart type from a dropdown, without refreshing the whole page.
  19. How can I change the chart type with JS/Ajax?

    At the link you provided a post from 2007 refers to a folder ASPAjaxSample. There is no such folder. I cannot find any folder or file name with "Ajax" in it, neither in the files that came with FusionCharts v3 Enterprise nor in the online documentation.
  20. setDataXML error

    The RegisterWithJS parameter is not valid on the server when the chart is created with Call renderChartHTML. How do I set that parameter in the client-side JavaScript without creating a new chart with JavaScript?
  21. setDataXML error

    Can the client-side JavaScript method setDataXML be used to update the chart when the chart was originally rendered with the server-side VBScript statement Call renderChartHTMLor does the chart have to have been originally rendered with client-side JavaScript for the setDataXML method to work?
  22. setDataXML error

    As I explained, I do not get the "<<ChartId>> is undefined" error. The statement that gets the ID does not fail. The alert returns the chart object ID. The problem is not in getting the chart object ID. The problem is with the setDataXML method, which returns "Object does not support this property or method."
  23. Is there a fix for this problem yet? The last post was a year ago.
  24. The company I work for has the Enterprise version of FusionCharts. I am having two problems. 1. I have followed the documentation and can't get clickURL to work in a pie2D chart. clickURL='P-etc.' works to open a popup window, but clickURL='j-myJSfunction()' where myJSfunction() as a test just does alert('foo') doesn't work. I have also tried clickURL='j-myJSfunction' without the parentheses. The cursor on the chart changes to a hand but when I click nothing happens. The debug window doesn't show any error. 2. The documentation describes the last two parameters when calling a chart as the debug flag and the registerWithJS flag and says that each one can be "0" or "1". When I put two parameters I get "wrong number of arguments." In addition, "0" or "1" for the debug argument do not work but true and false, without quotes, work.
  25. By reading more documentation I learned that the syntax when using FusionCharts with ASP is different for clickURL. Here the syntax is clickURL='JavaScript:myJSfunction()' instea of clickURL='j-myJSfunction()'. I tried this and it works. However, the examples show, in the Call renderChart() function, two parameters after height and width as false, false. Again, when I use two parameters I get "wrong number of arguments."