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Everything posted by Tanuja

  1. Hi, I am trying to display data labels in values and percent values both. But the chart only displays either one of them. I have set the showValues='1' and showPercentValues='1' property. Is this functionality available in fusioncharts like in excel? Thanks, Tanuja
  2. Thanks for your reply! This solved my problem. -Tanuja
  3. Hi, Below is the XML that I am using: <chart caption='Pie Chart 1' pieradius='70' showZeroPies='1' enableSmartLabels='1' isSmartLineSlanted='1' labelSepChar='t' skipOverlapLabels='0' showLabels='1' showPercentValues='1' showValues='1'> <set label='Test1' value='30' /> <set label='Test2' value='40' /> <set label='Test3' value='10' /> </chart> Thanks, Tanuja