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  1. How-To dynamically change graph type?

    Nice day to discover if FusionCharts support a very useful feature for us, or if a way does exist to achieve this goal with a little javascripts barba-tricks. I mean: when we do ... object = new FusionCharts('swfurl.swf....',''.... .. we set the kind of graph that will be displayed. Good! But.... what if now I wanted to change it in a similar way: object.setURL('newurl.swf') ? is it possible? if not, do I have to regenerate that code to change it? Thanks in advance for your help, I really need it. F.B. :cool:
  2. Single page PDF with Fusion Charts

    Thanks a lot for your reply. I wish we can get that in future releases. Anyway, is there any other parameters I can exploit to customize the output PDF's Look-and-Feel? Have a nice day!
  3. Hi to all, I currently use Fusion Charts and the Batch export procedure in my web applications. Every time I export a three-graphs page to a PDF file, it makes 3 pages, one for each single graph. I wonder if I can get a whole pdf page containing all three graphs. Thanks for your help.