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About jskahan

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    Forum Newbie
  1. I'm looking to do something along these lines, where both plots has a border but only one has a fill: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?t=1y&s=BULIX&l=on&z=l&q=l&c=vfinx&ql=1 I tried setting the alpha of the non-fill plot to 0 but that hides the border as well as the fill. Is this possible? Thanks.
  2. Automatic n-th override?

    I'm making a line chart that contains the monthly values of three investment portfolios from 2002 to present, so if all labels (the monthly date, e.g. Mar 2002, Apr 2002 etc.) were displayed there would be around 140 labels total. Since 140 is too many labels to show in a limited space, Fusioncharts applies an automatic n-th. If I'm displaying a large chart (1485 x 990) every other month is displayed. On a smaller chart (700 x 400) only every 4th month is displayed. On the small chart, for example, each year I get one label each for March, July, and November. What I would like to do is only have a label appear for each December (Dec '02, Dec '03 etc.) I know how to display only certain labels setting showLabel to 1 for those dates. The problem is that when I render a smaller chart, December isn't one of the label months because of the automatic n-th-ing, so if I set showLabel to 1 for December labels then no labels appear at all. So is there any way to turn of the automatic n-th functionality on smaller charts so I can choose to show whatever labels I want? I tried setting labelStep to 1 but that setting seems to be overridden by the auto n-th-ing. Thanks very much. chart.xml