Data values are getting overlapped over the bar chart.
I have googled a bit and couldn't find any solution yet.
I am able to change the y attribute value in the <g> <text> tag and get it fixed through the browser.
But unable to do from the chart configuration Javascript.
I'm using the fusioncharts/3.2.4-sr1.9888 version
The xml is given as below
<chart caption="Consumer Payments through website" divLineDashLen="60" showValues="1" showPercentValues="0" numberPrefix="$" minimiseWrappingInLegend="1" reverseLegend="1" use3DLighting="0" showToolTip="1" legendPosition="right" interactiveLegend="" legendShadow="0" legendBorderAlpha="0" legendBgAlpha="0" showPercentInToolTip="0" palette="2" animation="0" showCanvasBg="0" showCanvasBase="0" plotFillAlpha="95" formatNumberScale="0" plotSpacePercent="70" rotateValues="0" placeValuesInside="0">
<category label="January 2014"/>
<category label=""/>
<category label=""/>
<dataset seriesName="" color="#3C7ADC" alpha="90">
<set value="399.02" displayValue="" tooltext=""/>
<set value="0" displayValue="" tooltext=""/>
<set value="0" displayValue="" tooltext=""/>
<style name="myLabelsFont" type="font" font="Arial" size="14" color="333333" bold="1" underline="0"/>
<style name='Data' type='font' font='Arial' size='14' color='ffffff' bgColor='666666' borderColor='666666' bold='1' underline='0' />
<apply toObject="Legend" styles="myLabelsFont"/>
<apply toObject='DataValues' styles='Data' />
I have tried almost every thing i found from the fusion chart website, but not able to succeed.