Jeff jiang

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About Jeff jiang

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  1. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    hi, I have attached 3 snapshots, my IE version is IE11. Press F12 to development tools, for choosing the document mode to emulate other IE versions . for figure 1, when I choose the document mode is 10, the gantt can normal show. for figure 2, when I choose the document mode is 9, the gantt cannot normal show. and I don't see any error . for figure 3,when I choose the document mode is 8, the gantt also cannot normal show. and I don't see any error . Looking forward to your helps. thanks.
  2. How to show vertical scroll in gantt Hi, I have uploaded my source codes , you can open the application using visual studio 2010 , it only normal show in IE 10. other browse can't normal show.
  3. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    Sorry, I don't know how to upload my snapshot, I don't find any places to upload my images. Or would you give me an email address? I send my snapshots or my test application to you. is it ok?
  4. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    hi, I deployed my web site in IIS, input the URL contained "an IP of server", only IE 10 can normal show the chart, other IE versions(IE8,9,11) cannot show the chart. I don't know why it is .
  5. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    hi, Above the issue (Retrieving data.Please wait. ), I adjusted the IE version to IE 10, the data can be shown. other IE version didn't work . Whether Javascript chat restricted IE's version or not?
  6. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    Addition information: I using the \FusionWidgets_XT_Trial \Code\MyFirstChart\customer-satisfaction, I only add one code below scripts of red one. but the error message show in IE browse: Retrieving data.Please wait. Whether Javascript chat support the function "setXMLUrl("Data.xml")" or not? if not, how to support it ? input a parameter of XML file? <script type="text/javascript"> FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('JavaScript'); var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../../Charts/AngularGauge.swf", "myChartId", "400", "200", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("Data.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); myChart.addEventListener( "nodatatodisplay", function() { if ( window.windowIsReady ){ notifyLocalAJAXSecurityRestriction(); }else { $(document).ready (function(){ notifyLocalAJAXSecurityRestriction(); }); } }); </script>
  7. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    ok, Thanks so I have another question ,how to show a javascript chart? would you give me an example? Thanks.
  8. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    Hi, it work fine, thank you very much. I have another question, how to set every cell height?
  9. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    Hi, Haritha I have updated the my codes according to your comments, but still don't see the vertical scill bar, I will paster my codes as below, would you help me to check my codes? thanks. I have only modify a litter in FusionWidgets_XT_Trial\FusionWidgets_XT_Trial\Gallery\Gantt\ Gantt5.html , see the red place. <body> <h3 class="chart-title" >Gantt Chart for Residential Construction</h3> <p> </p> <script type="text/javascript" src="../Data/String/js/Gantt5.js" ></script> <div id="chartdiv" align="center">Chart will load here</div> <script type="text/javascript"> FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer("javaScript"); var chart = new FusionCharts("../../Charts/Gantt.swf", "ChartId", "580", "300", "0", "1" ); chart.setXMLData( dataString ); chart.render("chartdiv"); </script> <p align="center" style="padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px;">In this Gantt Chart, legends are used to explain color keys. Connectors help in indicating the process flow.</p> <p> </p> <div class="qua-button-holder"></div> <div class="show-code-block"></div> </body> And I also modify the related the Gantt5.js in "FusionWidgets_XT_Trial\FusionWidgets_XT_Trial\Gallery\Data\String\js\Gantt5.js. scripts as below, see the red place. var dataString ='<chart useVerticalScrolling="1" manageResize="1" dateFormat="dd/mm/yyyy" outputDateFormat="ddds mns yy" ganttWidthPercent="65" canvasBorderColor="999999" canvasBorderThickness="" gridBorderColor="4567aa" gridBorderAlpha="20" ganttPaneDuration="3" ganttPaneDurationUnit="m" >\n\ <categories bgColor="009999" showHoverBand="0">\n\ <category start="1/3/2008" end="31/8/2008" label="Residential Construction" fontColor="ffffff" fontSize="16" />\n\ </categories>\n\ <categories bgColor="4567aa" fontColor="ff0000" showHoverBand="0" >\n\ <category start="1/3/2008" end="31/8/2008" label="Months" alpha="" font="Verdana" fontColor="ffffff" fontSize="16" />\n\ </categories>\n\ <categories bgColor="ffffff" fontColor="1288dd" fontSize="10" isBold="1" align="center" hoverBandColor="EEEEEE" hoverBandAlpha="20" >\n\ <category start="1/3/2008" end="31/3/2008" label="March" />\n\ <category start="1/4/2008" end="30/4/2008" label="April" />\n\ <category start="1/5/2008" end="31/5/2008" label="May" />\n\ <category start="1/6/2008" end="30/6/2008" label="June" />\n\ <category start="1/7/2008" end="31/7/2008" label="July" />\n\ <category start="1/8/2008" end="31/8/2008" label="August" />\n\ </categories>\n\ <processes headerText="Task" fontColor="000000" fontSize="11" isAnimated="1" bgColor="4567aa" headerVAlign="bottom" headerAlign="left" headerbgColor="4567aa" headerFontColor="ffffff" headerFontSize="16" align="left" isBold="1" bgAlpha="25" hoverBandColor="869cc8" hoverBandAlpha="25" >\n\ <process label="Writing" id="1" />\n\ <process label="Signing" id="2" />\n\ <process label="Financing" id="3" />\n\ <process label="Permission" id="4" />\n\ <process label="Plumbing" id="5" />\n\ <process label="Terrace" id="6" />\n\ <process label="Inspection" id="7" />\n\ <process label="Wood Work" id="8" />\n\ <process label="Interiors" id="9" />\n\ <process label="Shifting" id="10" />\n\ </processes>\n\ <dataTable showProcessName="1" nameAlign="left" fontColor="000000" fontSize="10" vAlign="right" align="center" headerVAlign="bottom" headerAlign="left" headerbgColor="4567aa" headerFontColor="ffffff" headerFontSize="16" >\n\ <dataColumn bgColor="eeeeee" headerText="Start" >\n\ <text label="7/3/2008" />\n\ <text label="6/4/2008" />\n\ <text label="1/5/2008" />\n\ <text label="13/5/2008" />\n\ <text label="2/5/2008" />\n\ <text label="1/6/2008" />\n\ <text label="15/6/2008" />\n\ <text label="22/6/2008" />\n\ <text label="18/6/2008" />\n\ <text label="15/7/2008" />\n\ </dataColumn>\n\ <dataColumn bgColor="eeeeee" headerText="Finish">\n\ <text label="22/4/2008" />\n\ <text label="12/5/2008" />\n\ <text label="2/6/2008" />\n\ <text label="19/6/2008" />\n\ <text label="19/6/2008" />\n\ <text label="19/7/2008" />\n\ <text label="11/8/2008" />\n\ <text label="5/8/2008" />\n\ <text label="22/7/2008" />\n\ <text label="11/8/2008" />\n\ </dataColumn>\n\ <dataColumn bgColor="eeeeee" headerText="Hrs">\n\ <text label="150" />\n\ <text label="340" />\n\ <text label="60" />\n\ <text label="20" />\n\ <text label="30" />\n\ <text label="45" />\n\ <text label="40" />\n\ <text label="102" />\n\ <text label="60" />\n\ <text label="30" />\n\ <text label="90" />\n\ <text label="30" />\n\ </dataColumn>\n\ <dataColumn align="right" bgColor="4567aa" bgAlpha="25" headerText="Cost" isBold="1">\n\ <text label="$4100" />\n\ <text label="$8290" />\n\ <text label="$12340" />\n\ <text label="$2330" />\n\ <text label="$4550" />\n\ <text label="$15720" />\n\ <text label="$1780" />\n\ <text label="$32330" />\n\ <text label="$9890" />\n\ <text label="$1110" />\n\ <text label="$1260" />\n\ <text label="$4260" />\n\ </dataColumn>\n\ </dataTable>\n\ <tasks>\n\ <task label="Planned" processId="1" start="7/3/2008" end="18/4/2008" id="1-1" color="4567aa" height="32%" topPadding="12%" />\n\ <task label="Actual" processId="1" start="9/3/2008" end="22/4/2008" id="1" color="EEEEEE" alpha="100" topPadding="56%" height="32%" />\n\ <task label="" processId="8" start="22/6/2008" end="29/7/2008" id="2-1" color="4567aa" alpha="100" height="32%" topPadding="12%" showLabel="1"/>\n\ <task label="" processId="8" start="22/6/2008" end="5/8/2008" id="2" color="EEEEEE" alpha="100" height="32%" topPadding="56%" percentComplete="78" showLabel="1"/>\n\ <task label="Planned" processId="2" start="6/4/2008" end="2/5/2008" id="3-1" color="4567aa" height="32%" topPadding="12%" />\n\ <task label="Actual" processId="2" start="6/4/2008" end="12/5/2008" id="3" color="EEEEEE" alpha="100" isAnimated="1" height="32%" topPadding="56%"/>\n\ <task label="Planned" processId="9" start="18/6/2008" end="21/7/2008" id="4-1" color="4567aa" height="32%" topPadding="12%" />\n\ <task label="Actual" processId="9" start="18/6/2008" end="22/7/2008" id="4" color="EEEEEE" alpha="100" isAnimated="1" height="32%" topPadding="56%"/>\n\ <task label="Planned" processId="3" start="1/5/2008" end="2/6/2008" id="5-1" color="4567aa" height="32%" topPadding="12%" />\n\ <task label="Actual" processId="3" start="1/5/2008" end="2/6/2008" id="5" color="EEEEEE" height="32%" topPadding="56%"/>\n\ <task label="Planned" processId="4" start="11/5/2008" end="12/6/2008" id="6-1" color="4567aa" height="32%" topPadding="12%" />\n\ <task label="Actual" processId="4" start="13/5/2008" end="19/6/2008" id="6" color="EEEEEE" height="32%" topPadding="56%"/>\n\ <task label="Planned" processId="5" start="1/5/2008" end="12/6/2008" id="7-1" color="4567aa" height="32%" topPadding="12%" />\n\ <task label="Actual" processId="5" start="2/5/2008" end="19/6/2008" id="7" color="EEEEEE" height="32%" topPadding="56%"/>\n\ <task label="Planned" processId="6" start="1/6/2008" end="12/7/2008" id="8-1" color="4567aa" height="32%" topPadding="12%" />\n\ <task label="Actual" processId="6" start="1/6/2008" end="19/7/2008" Id="8" color="EEEEEE" height="32%" topPadding="56%" percentComplete="91"/>\n\ <task label="Planned" processId="7" start="11/6/2008" end="7/8/2008" Id="9-1" color="4567aa" height="32%" topPadding="12%" />\n\ <task label="Actual" processId="7" start="15/6/2008" end="11/8/2008" Id="9" color="EEEEEE" height="32%" topPadding="56%"/>\n\ <task label="Planned" processId="10" start="11/7/2008" end="7/8/2008" Id="10-1" color="4567aa" height="32%" topPadding="12%" />\n\ <task label="Actual" processId="10" start="15/7/2008" end="11/8/2008" Id="10" color="EEEEEE" height="32%" topPadding="56%"/>\n\ </tasks>\n\ <connectors>\n\ <connector fromTaskId="3" toTaskId="5" color="4567aa" thickness="2" fromTaskConnectStart="1"/>\n\ <connector fromTaskId="8" toTaskId="2" color="4567aa" thickness="2" fromTaskConnectStart="1"/>\n\ </connectors>\n\ <milestones>\n\ <milestone date="7/8/2008" taskId="10-1" color="2E4472" shape="star" toolText="Original moving date" />\n\ <milestone date="21/8/2008" taskId="10" color="999999" shape="star" toolText="New estimated moving date" />\n\ </milestones>\n\ <legend>\n\ <item label="Planned" color="4567aa" />\n\ <item label="Actual" color="999999" />\n\ <item label="Slack (Delay)" color="FF5E5E" />\n\ </legend>\n\ <styles>\n\ <definition>\n\ <style type="Font" name="legendFont" size="12" />\n\ </definition>\n\ <application>\n\ <apply toObject="LEGEND" styles="legendFont" />\n\ </application>\n\ </styles>\n\ </chart>';
  10. How to show vertical scroll in gantt

    Hi, I see the document of FusionWidgets, V3.3.1 has supported the vertical scrolling, how to set in Javascript ganntt chart. Vertical scrolling Starting FusionWidgets XT v3.3.1, vertical scrolling has been introduced for the Gantt view pane in JavaScript Gantt chart. Note: The vertical scrolling is not applicable in Flash Gantt chart.
  11. I'm using the gantt.swf, but I have one question, how to show vertical scroll in gantt, Well- intentioned people who help me to fix the issue? which attributes to be configed. Thanks !!!!!!