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About harshdand

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    Forum Newbie

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  1. I need a waterfall chart showing the comparison of two data series like shown in the image. Is this possible with fusion charts. Thanks, Harsh
  2. Loader for charts

    Hi, In the version v 3.3.1 sr3 i have used Chart.configure("LoadingText", '<img src="FusionCharts/ui/gif-load.gif"/>'); to get a loader to show the chart loading. But the same code doesnt work in v 3.4 it just shows the img tag. I wanted to know how to get loader for charts n if there is any other way to do the same in 3.4.
  3. Hi, This is the bubble chart in older version And the same chart in 3.4 version Quadrants are not visible On hover of the bubble makes the color of the bubble black Json : { "categories": [{ "category": [{ "label": "9.3K", "x": 9250 }, { "label": "18.5K", "x": 18500 }, { "label": "27.8K", "x": 27750 }, { "label": "37.0K", "x": 37000 }, { "label": "46.3K", "x": 46250 }], "verticalLineThickness": 1 }], "dataset": [{ "data": [{ "x": 46221.68, "y": 551390, "name": "Michelle Green", "z": "2" }, { "x": 29706.75, "y": 468440, "name": "Joanne Ralston", "z": "2" }], "showValues": "1", "seriesName": "Sales Rep" }], "chart": { "xAxisName": "Earnings", "yAxisName": "Actual Revenue", "drawQuadrant": "1", "quadrantLineColor": "c4c4c4", "showLegend": "1", "legendPosition": "BOTTOM", "legendCaption": "", "legendBgColor": "F7F7F7", "legendBorderColor": "bcb8b8", "legendIconScale": "1", "showCanvasBg": "1", "canvasBgColor": "F6F6F6", "showCanvasBase": "1", "canvasBaseColor": "F6F6F6", "bubbleScale": 0.4, "quadrantXVal": 23100, "quadrantYVal": 275650, "chartWidth": "100%", "chartHeight": "100%", "animation": "1", "caption": "", "subCaption": "", "bgColor": "fdfdfd", "showLabels": "1", "showValues": "1", "baseFont": "sans-serif", "baseFontSize": "12", "baseFontColor": "888888", "labelColumn": "", "valueColumn": "", "showBorder": "1", "borderColor": "bcb8b8", "borderThickness": "", "borderAlpha": "0", "canvasBgAlpha": "0", "canvasBorderAlpha": "0", "alternateHGridAlpha": "0", "showVLineLabelBorder": "0", "showPlotBorder": "0", "divLineAlpha": "10", "anchorRadius": "5", "plotBorderColor": "", "plotFillRatio": "100", "alternateVGridAlpha": "10", "zeroPlaneAlpha": "10", "showAlternateVGridColor": "0", "legendBgAlpha": "70", "legendShadow": "0", "legendBorderAlpha": "0", "paletteColors": "2E64FE", "use3DLighting": "0", "theme": "zune", "yAxisValuesPadding": 5, "showHoverEffect": "1", "numberPrefix": "", "toolTipBgColor": "EBEBEB", "toolTipColor": "727272" } }
  4. Charting Data Values Overlapping Problem

    How can i show values in this case where many of them are 0's?