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Everything posted by preetiram

  1. I need a chart for a MultiSeries Stacked 2d Column Line with Single Y. But since I dint find one, I'm using the MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf file instead after tweaking the xml a little bit. (ie, set the same MAX value on both axes). It works for most of the time. But in one situation when the one of the values is negative, the the stacked columns do go down below the zero planes as expected. But the data on the 'lines' is plotted incorrectly. I have tired adjusting the chart attributes multiple ways but it doesn't seem to the plot the graph from the exact zero on the SY axis. I am able to change what the SY chart limit labels to whatever I want BUT the true zero for plotting the graph remains to be bottom of the chart. If you see the attached images: The first image (accurate.gif) is plotted correctly since it has all positive values. But the second image/chart is generated with the same data, only difference is that it not has 4 stacks instead of 3 and there is a negative value for code NCR for May 07. I'm copying the xml data below. Please let me know how I can resolve this problem. Or better yet, if i can use a MSStackedColumn2DLineSingleY.swf file Thank you Preeti Reddy data.xml
  2. I would like to request a MultiSeriesStacked2DColumnLineSingleY chart. I'm currently using MultiSeriesStacked2DColumnLineDY chart. But that doesnt work in situations where there is a negative value in the PY axis. In that case I cannot force the PY and Sy axis to have the same Max and Min values