[email protected]
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Hello Team, I am trying to convert AngularGauge.swf to javascript AngularGauge I have done it for other chart just by changing the .swf chart name with javascript chart name , that worked well . but for AngularGauge.swf rendering login is implemented in a following way , I got stuck in how to convert this chart in javascript driven chart. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" data="AngularGauge" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="390" height="290" id="gaugeChart"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="wmode" value="opaque" /> <param name="movie" value="./fusioncharts/AngularGauge.swf" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="ChartNoDataText=<%=resource.getMessage(request.getLocale(),"FPD.Error.Insufficient.Data")%>&LoadDataErrorText= <%=resource.getMessage(request.getLocale(),"FPD.Error.Insufficient.Data")%>&dataURL=./ForecastPerformanceDashboardServlet? Gauge=Gauge" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="AllowFullScreen" value="1" /> <embed src="AngularGauge.swf" quality="high" flashVars="ChartNoDataText=<%=resource.getMessage(request.getLocale(),"FPD.Error.Insufficient.Data")%>&LoadDataErrorText= <%=resource.getMessage(request.getLocale(),"FPD.Error.Insufficient.Data")%>&dataURL=./ForecastPerformanceDashboardServlet? Gauge=Gauge" width="390" height="290" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="https://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"/> </object> Could you please help me to convert this type of .swf chart in Javascript Chart. Thanks In Advanced #Amol.
Hello Team, I am using javascript driven quadrant chart.populating it with Json, I have have enabled export button (for PDF,SVN..). There are two graphs on my screen, when there is a scroll bar appearing on a screen the export option's div is shifting at the bottom. Could you please help me to fix this issue, how how to stick export options div to the export button always. attaching screen-shot.
Hi, Currently we are using 3.3.1 version. Finally I fixed issue using some work around as below. I am setting the exportoptions div position when user clicked on export Icon ... function FC_Rendered(DOMId) { if(DOMId=='Chart2Id'){ $(".red-buttons-135").on("click", function(event){ var t=$(".red-buttons-135").offset().top; $("svg:eq(3)").css("top",t+20); }); } if(DOMId=='Chart1Id'){ $(".red-button-30").on("click", function(event){ var t=$(".red-button-30").offset().top; $("svg:eq(2)").css("top",t+20); }); } } Thanks Amol,
Hello Vishalika, Initially graph and export button options was working fine , but when I applied scroll(overflow-y=auto;height:100%) to the screens parent div,the stickiness of the export options was gone.When scrolling the screen the and clicking on export con the export options div is displaying at the bottom . Is there any way that I can bind javascript method on click of the export button clicked, if I get that I can set potion of exports options div as per export button position. Thanks, Amol Chaudhari.
Hello Team, I am using javascript driven ZoomLine Chart,for which I want to display vTrendsLine, I am using following json String for it. "vtrendlines": { "line": [ { "startindex": "50", "displayalways": "1", "displayvalue": "Split", "valueontop": "1" } ] } but its not displaying on chart. When I am running the same json with .swf file ,the graph shows the vTrend line. Could you please help me out ...I want to show Vtrends Line in Javascript Driven ZoomLine chart. PFA for my json (pls change the extension to json) Any Help is Appreciated ... ZoomLineChartStr.json.txt
Hello Team, I am using MSCombiDY2D javascript driven chart, which current showing current year's and Last year's data. There is a checkbox on a screen for include last year data, so when user will uncheck is I want to Hide Last Years Data Bar from the graph and when User selects a checkbox then I want to show The last Years Data bar on the graph again. Could you please help me out how can I hide or Show Bar from the chart. Attaching Sample Json Thanks In Advance !!! Amol. MSCombiDY2D .json.txt
How to Hide/Show bar in MSCombiDY2D chart
[email protected] replied to [email protected]'s topic in Miscellaneous
Thanks A Lot Vishalika -
Hello Team, I am using javascript driven MSLine chart, I want to provide a Export to Excel feature for my graph. So I am using getDataAsCSV() which gives me CSV data and I am writing data in Excel,which is working perfectly fine. But in my graph I am plotting few data point(Special Events) on same Y -axis value (ex:0.6) only X-axis value are changing for it, for such data point I am showing the name of Special event on tooltip of that data point. For Export to excel I want to export that Event name which is present in tool tip , but I am not getting that value in getDataAsCSV(). Could you please suggest me the way how can I get tooltext value in CSV ? or is there any other way to set additional attributes for data point level in graph Json which is not impacting on Graph GUI and is available in getDataAsCSV(); Please find attachment for My Json (Search for Special Event) sample response.txt
Hello Team, I a using javascript driven Quadrant chart for which the client side export functionality is enabled. I am showing only anchor tags (data tags) in the chart ,every anchor has a unique color code and also same color code is appearing for its legend. but whenever I am exporting this graph to PDF or PNG the legends color is not appearing in exported chart, only in SVG export is working fine(with legend color). Could you please help me out to resolve this issue. Attaching Json which I am using. any help is appreciated . Regards, #Amol
Hi Swarnam, Thanks for the reply, I have downloaded the version mentioned by you, but I am not able to see data on graph for the json I mentioned in above post. do I need to change any attributes mentioned in My json. The HTML code which I am using <html> <head> <title>FusionCharts XT</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="fusioncharts/FusionCharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer" style="heigh:500px;">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"> ); var myChart = new FusionCharts( "Scatter", "myChartId", "900", "500", "0" ); myChart.setJSONUrl("sample1.json"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); </script> </body> </html>
{ "message" : "SUCCESS", "chart" : { "yaxisname" : "Web Rate", "xaxisname" : "Reputation", "yaxismaxvalue" : "449.66", "yaxisminvalue" : "375.0", "drawQuadrant" : "0", "quadrantLineColor" : "009933", "quadrantLineThickness" : "1", "exportEnabled" : "1", "exportAtClient" : "1", "exportFormats" : "PDF=Download as PDF|PNG=Download as PNG|SVG=Download as SVG", "bgColor" : "FFFFFF", "bgAlpha" : "0", "setAdaptiveYMin" : "1", "canvasBorderThickness" : "1", "canvasBorderAlpha" : "30", "borderColor" : "#B1B1B1", "xAxisLabelMode" : "AUTO", "canvasBorderColor" : "#c7c7c7", "vDivLineColor" : "FFFFFF", "divLineColor" : "FFFFFF", "legendBorderThickness" : "1", "legendBorderColor" : "#c7c7c7", "legendBorderAlpha" : "10", "showAlternateHGridColor" : "0", "showExportDataMenuItem":"1", "exportDataMenuItemLabel":"Export To Excel" }, "dataset" : [{ "seriesName" : "The Marbury", "color" : "", "anchorSides" : "0", "anchorRadius" : "4", "anchorBgColor" : "#F8CF03", "set" : [{ "y" : "418.06", "x" : "5.872609" } ], "anchorBorderColor" : "#F8CF03" }, { "seriesName" : "Blue Line Hotel", "color" : "", "anchorSides" : "0", "anchorRadius" : "4", "anchorBgColor" : "#F307CB", "set" : [{ "y" : "434.33", "x" : "5.2089477" } ], "anchorBorderColor" : "#F307CB" }, { "seriesName" : "Lake Palace", "color" : "", "anchorSides" : "0", "anchorRadius" : "7", "anchorBgColor" : "0000FC", "set" : [{ "y" : "365.0", "x" : "5.89138" } ], "anchorBorderColor" : "none" }, { "seriesName" : "CityScape Hotel", "color" : "", "anchorSides" : "0", "anchorRadius" : "4", "anchorBgColor" : "#9C6433", "set" : [{ "y" : "409.35", "x" : "6.5456667" } ], "anchorBorderColor" : "#9C6433" }, { "seriesName" : "The Towers", "color" : "", "anchorSides" : "0", "anchorRadius" : "4", "anchorBgColor" : "#FA0200", "set" : [{ "y" : "388.97", "x" : "5.369091" } ], "anchorBorderColor" : "#FA0200" }, { "seriesName" : "Hotel Troubadour", "color" : "", "anchorSides" : "0", "anchorRadius" : "4", "anchorBgColor" : "#CF66F6", "set" : [{ "y" : "459.66", "x" : "4.4317646" } ] } ], "vtrendlines" : { "line" : [{ "startvalue" : "5.55", "color" : "009933", "displayvalue" : "", "showontop" : null, "thickness" : "1", "toolText" : "5.55", "isTrendZone" : "0" } ] }, "trendlines" : { "line" : [{ "startvalue" : "416.2", "color" : "009933", "displayvalue" : " ", "showontop" : null, "thickness" : "1", "toolText" : "412.56", "isTrendZone" : "0" } ] }, "styles":{ "definition":[{ "name":"myGlow", "type":"glow", "color":"FF6D50" } ], "application":[{ "toobject":"ANCHORS", "styles":"myGlow" } ] } }
Hello Team, I am using Javascript driven MsLine Chart for which I have enable client side export for PDF,PNG,SVG downloading. But now I want to add Export to Excel Menu Item in the Fusion Charts export drop down, and how can I call my javascript function on click of the item which is written for generates the Excel for chart data. Could you please suggest me the way for it ?? Regards, Amol.
Thanks for your response Sanjukta, I have 2 queries 1> I am already using getCsv() method for getting Chart data, and also written a Javascript function which generates Excel file, but how can I add Export Option in Fusion chart's Client Side Export Drop Down ? 2> The way you are suggesting how can I implement it ? could you please elaborate ? Regards, Amol Chaudhari.
Hello Team, I am using Javascript driven Scatter Chart And MSLine chart ,for which I have enabled client side export ,but suddenly export functionality stopped working. Is there any problem on Fusion chart side ? Because export is not working on Fusion Chart's site as well. http://www.fusioncharts.com/explore/export-charts-as-images-and-pdf/ Please reply soon Thanks, Amol
Hello Team, I am using Javascript driven Quadrant Chart & MS Line chart which populates the data using Json object. My Application support English(Encoding-ANSI),German(Encoding-ANSI),Spanish(Encoding-ANSI) & Chinese(Encoding- UTF-8) Languages. May I know how can I add multi-lingual support for these languages. I am getting the chart data as a Json Data on REST call of page loading. Any help is greatly appreciated Thanks, Amol.