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About zeoxe

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  1. yAxisMaxValue is not working

    { "chart":{"palette":"2", "caption":"PSI Comparison with previous year", "showlabels":"1", "labeldisplay":"ROTATE", "labelStep":"5", "showvalues":"0", "numbersuffix":"%", "showsum":"1", "decimals":"1", "forcedecimals":"1", "showborder":"1", "borderColor":"4F81BD", "borderThickness":"2", "borderAlpha":"60", "useroundedges":"1", "legendborderalpha":"0", "plotSpacePercent":"0", "yAxisMinValue":"0", "yAxisMaxValue":"100", "xAxisMinValue":"20", "xAxisMaxValue":"10" }, "categories":[ { "category":[ { "label":"12-Jun-2014" }, { "label":"12-Jun-2013" } ] } ], "dataset":[ { "seriesname":"Completly satisfied", "color":"A3CC52", "showvalues":0, "data":[ { "value":"66.59" }, { "value":"81.53" } ] }, { "seriesname":"Very satisfied", "color":"88B188", "showvalues":0, "data":[ { "value":"25.65" }, { "value":"16.43" } ] }, { "seriesname":"Moderatly satisfied", "color":"E6E65C", "showvalues":0, "data":[ { "value":"6.26" }, { "value":"1.91" } ] }, { "seriesname":"Slightly satisfied", "color":"FF6600", "showvalues":0, "data":[ { "value":"1.49" }, { "value":"0.09" } ] }, { "seriesname":"Not satisfied", "color":"D63333", "showvalues":0, "data":[ { "value":"0.00" }, { "value":"0.05" } ] } ] }
  2. yAxisMaxValue is not working

    Hi, I have a chart where a use a fusion chart to compare two entities. But when one entity goes 100% the other goes 0% the max value in y axis tends to move from 110 from 100. The screenshot is attached. Attaching the json data { "chart": { "palette": "2", "caption": "PSI Comparison with previous year", "showlabels": "1", "showvalues": "0", "numbersuffix": "%", "showsum": "1", "decimals": "1", "forcedecimals":"1", "showborder": "1", "borderColor": "4F81BD", "borderThickness":"2", "borderAlpha":"60", "useroundedges": "1", "legendborderalpha": "0", "plotSpacePercent" : "0", "yAxisMinValue" : "0", "yAxisMaxValue" : "100", "xAxisMaxValue" : "100.000001" }, "categories": [ { "category": [] } ], "dataset": [] } Please advice