Hello, I have a website that's been using FusionCharts for a while without any issues.
But now I just realized that with IE11, the export functions I have built are no longer working.
The printing and exporting works fine in all other version of IE, Firefox and Chrome, and even on IE11 when compatibility view is turned ON.
I'm building the chart server-side like this:
Dim chartHtml = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("Charts/FusionCharts/ScrollColumn2D.swf?registerWithJS=1", "", xml.ToString(), "MyChart", "100%", "350", False, True, True)
I've noticed that when on IE10 or IE11 compatibility view, this renders an <object> element, but on IE11 it creates an <embed> element.
And then the javascript functions I've been using are these:
function printChart() {
var chartToPrint = document.getElementById('MyChart');
function ExportMyChartPDF() {
var chartObject = document.getElementById('MyChart');
if (chartObject.hasRendered()) chartObject.exportChart({ exportFormat: 'PDF' });
function ExportMyChartJPG() {
var chartObject = document.getElementById('MyChart');
if (chartObject.hasRendered()) chartObject.exportChart({ exportFormat: 'JPG' });
These functions throws errors saying the object does not support the "print" method, or the "hasRendered".
"Object doesn't support this property or method"
Do you know why is this happenning and if there's a way to fix it?