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About FerTheLast

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  1. Thanks a lot, Now it Works fine!! How much time will be to have the self-hosted export module which works as well as this solution? For us it would be very useful because there is a possibility that we can face customer environments with no internet connection Regards
  2. Hi, thanks for your reply, The following is the JSON code trough which Im generating the chart: { "chart": { "caption": "GRAFICO EVENTOS", "exportEnabled": "1", "exportAtClient": "0", "exportAction": "download", "exportHandler": "/Scripts/FusionCharts/ExportHandlers/ASP_Net/FCExporter.aspx", "exportFilename": "GraficoEventos_04-08-2014", "exportShowMenuItem": "0", "bgAlpha": "0", "borderAlpha": "20", "use3DLighting": "0", "showShadow": "0", "enableSmartLabels": "0", "startingAngle": "0", "showPercentValues": "1", "showPercentInTooltip": "0", "labelDisplay": "wrap", "decimals": "1" }, "data": [ {"label": "Gestión de Desempeño","value": "24,32"}, {"label": "Gestión de Recursos Financieros","value": "10,81"}, {"label": "Gestión de Recursos Físicos","value": "8,11"}, {"label": "Gestión de Riesgos","value": "18,92"}, {"label": "Gestión de Recursos y Talento Humano","value": "5,41"}, {"label": "Gestión de Tecnología (IT)","value": "32,43"} ] } Could you please show me where can I read some documentation about exporting via your public server? I haven't tried this method, Thanks a lot for yout help,
  3. Hi I am exporting pure javascript charts using ASP.NET handler (FCExporter.aspx). The charts are exported but there is a problem with character encoding in results: For example, I have the following pie 3d chart: but when i export the chart it shows as follow: It happens in all formats in which I export, as you can see in exported version a "?" symbol is shown instead of special characters We use in latin america like "á" or "ñ" I hope you can help mw with this issue Thanks, Fernando
  4. Hi I am trying to export pure javascript charts too and the solution you have provided has been going very well form me, except for one detail. When I export there seem to be problems with accents encoding in all export formats. For example, I have the following pie 3d chart: but when i export the chart it shows as follow: It happens in all formats in which I export, as you can see in exported version a "?" symbol is shown instead of special characters We use in latin america like "á" or "ñ" I hope you can help mw with this issue Thanks, Fernando