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Everything posted by flash

  1. Hello. First i lke to say thank you for the great FusionCharts. But i have a problem with the label in my charts. Because i`m not a fluent english speaker let me show you my problem with 2 pictures: Here is my chart: As you can see the database request works but I dont have any label on the chart like in this chart: I copied the hole xml code from the other website but as you can see it wont work. If i add another dataset in the database it look like this (which is ok) : This is the whole xml code i use: First the one with one user has 100% (which dont show any label): <chart palette='3' caption='Total playtime by user' showPercentageInLabel ='1' showpercentvalues='1' showValues='1' showpercentintooltip='1' showlabels='1' bgcolor='ffffff' showzeropies='0' defaultanimation='0' showborder='0' showplotborder='0' showshadow='1' use3dlighting='1' slicingdistance='15'> <set name='flash' value='132' showName='1' ></set> </chart> This time with 2 users (label are shown): <chart palette='3' caption='Total playtime by user' showPercentageInLabel ='1' showpercentvalues='1' showValues='1' showpercentintooltip='1' showlabels='1' bgcolor='ffffff' showzeropies='0' defaultanimation='0' showborder='0' showplotborder='0' showshadow='1' use3dlighting='1' slicingdistance='15'> <set name='flash' value='132' showName='1' ></set> <set name='Test' value='160' showName='1' ></set> </chart> I searched now for about 2 hr in the doc and via google, but i dont find any answer. Maybe anyone can help me to get the chart run when one user has 100% Thanks for your help Sebastian
  2. Label problem with pie charts

    Hello thanks for your report, hope you find the problem.