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About dannux

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Every time I am trying to load a chart with several variables my computer gets frozen and I have to restart the computer manually. I get the following error: "A Script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player 10 to run slowly if it conitues to run, your computer may become unresponsive . Do you want to abort the script?" Have you seen this error? Am I putting too much information for Fusion Charts to handle in a single chart? Thanks, Dan
  2. I have the following question: We are capturing free mem for some server. Sometimes (weekends) the values are too high. However, during the week the values are low. We need to have the values in our weekly chart but the high values are making the low values almost invisible in the chart. Is there a way that I can set a default maximum value for the Y axis. I tried to use a lower value. However, FC always reset the scale to the maximum value. Thank you,