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Everything posted by pmb88

  1. I am using a scatter chart. I want to change a color of each point in the data set. The only post that I find referring to this was this from a few years ago and that mentioned that you can not change a color for the individual data point and can only be set for the entire data set. Is it possible now to change the color of a <set> item in the data set?
  2. Change scatter chart color

    The problem is that i already doing that and the color is not changing. It is still transparent. Is there something wrong in my build up. Here is the xml code I am building: <chart caption="Event ROI, Lift and Incremental Volume" subcaption="Circle Size = Incremental Volume" xaxisminvalue="-51.84" xaxismaxvalue="70.96" yaxisminvalue="0" yaxismaxvalue="315.00" plotfillalpha="70" plotfillhovercolor="#6baa01" showplotborder="0" xaxisname="Return on Investment (ROI)" yaxisname="% Lift" showvalues="1" anchorRadius="12" theme="fint"> <categories> <category label="-51.84%" x="-51.84" showverticalline="1" /> <category label="-10.84%" x="-10.84" showverticalline="1" /> <category label="30.16%" x="30.16" showverticalline="1" /> </categories> <dataset> <set anchorBorderColor="#CC33FF" anchorBgColor="#CC33FF" color="#CC33FF" x="27.23" y="215.00" displayValue="P1 July 4 2/$5 Scan" toolText="PD Laydown Bag{br}7/5/2014{br}ROI: 27.23{br}Lift: 215" /> <set anchorBorderColor="#FF3300" anchorBgColor="#FF3300" color="#FF3300" x="40.96" y="104.00" displayValue="P2 June 28 F&D Scan" toolText="PB Laydown Bag{br}6/28/2014{br}ROI: 40.96{br}Lift: 104" /> <set anchorBorderColor="#FFFF00" anchorBgColor="#FFFF00" color="#FFFF00" x="-21.84" y="114.00" displayValue="P3 June Scan Rite Aid" toolText="PC Laydown Bag{br}6/28/2014{br}ROI: -21.84{br}Lift: 114" /> </dataset> </chart> Which versions of FusionCharts can set the color? The version i am using is 3.3.1 (xt).