I'm using MSCombi3D chart with for example two series. It is possible to bind data with series which have different length? For example categories count = 5, series1 count = 5, series2 count = 7 and I want to see both series in full x axis size.
Or maybe how to create different categories for all series?
I was searched Forum, Konowledhe Base and I don't found nothing.
Please help me
Kind regards,
Thanks for fast answer.
But what about this case: series length > categories length?
It is possible to create second categories collection in the same chart?
In my series I using renderAs='Area' and I want to see all series (no matter how long series is) in full axis lenght. How can I do this? Help me, please.
Kind regards,
Hi, I'm using FusionCharts with DNN and I don't have any problems after instaling module on web server. First I developing module on local server, just like you.
Maybe you got something wrong with paths? To generate chart html I always using ModulePath property, for example:
var html = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML(ModulePath + "Utilities/FusionCharts/MSCombi3D.swf", "", xmlData.ToString(), objectID, width.ToString(), height.ToString(), false, true);
Leave your code here, I'll try to help you.
Kind regards,