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About meghana

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    Forum Newbie
  1. I have used usa Dma fusion map. in that i want to show labels for few data only. for that, i have set "showLabel" propery at data level as given in fusion map documention. but it not seems to working. below is my json for fusion map. Please help me on this. Not sure, what is issue with this. Thanks
  2. I want to show tooltip on each entity of my fusion map. I have set below propeties on json map object , but it seems not working, not sure what is issue. please help me on this.
  3. I am using Fusion USA Dma Map. I want to change color of entity when any user click on entity , for that i have added entityClick event listner on map. on event i can get Data of selected map. and event object, in event object it is sending map object as sender. but i need specific entity object on which click event is fired, and want to dynamically change color of that entity. can anybody help me on it. How can i get selected entity object on entityClick event. Thanks