We've been using the 3D pie chart for some time, however recently the values of the items in the chart are getting very distant from each other. When the chart displays, it is showing one element that should be 0% of the pie and not visible as taking up about 1/4 of the display space (see attached).
The XML for the chart is:
<chart animation="1" YAxisName="2011" showValues="0" showNames="0" numberPrefix="$" formatNumberScale="0"
showPercentageValues="1" decimalPrecision="0" pieFillAlpha="100" pieRadius="100" pieSliceDepth="25" bgColor="ffffff"
showAboutMenuItem="0" showZeroPies="1" borderAlpha="0">
<set name="Item A" value="1451530555.92" color="66cc00"/>
<set name="Item B" value="56408273776.83" color="ff6600"/>
<set name="Item C" value="21849962013.57" color="CCCCCC"/>
<set name="Item D" value="8629518666.85" color="000000"/>
<set name="Item E" value="375492037.64" color="FFFF00"/>
<set name="Item F" value="46805288.70" color="FF99CC"/>
<set name="Item G" value="0.00" color="3333FF"/>
<set name="Item H" value="2583334647.45" color="FF0000"/>
<set name="Item I" value="2426817850.72" color="990033"/>
<set name="Item J" value="97349228167.39" color="3366CC"/>
<set name="Other" value="3581.18" color="FF0099"/>
the 'other' set above is what shows as nearly 1/4 of the pie, but correctly shows 0% when hovered over. If the 'other' set is removed, the pie displays correctly. The pink section in the attached image is the 'other' set, and should show as 0 or next to nothing in the pie. The blue section to the left of it should be approx 51% of the pie, but is obviously showing less. Is this a bug/rounding issue?