Thanks for your response.
I actually took your example that was included in fusion charts (Charts/ASPClass/ArrayExamples/Combination.asp) and ran it on our testing server without making any modifications - just copy and paste. It ran perfectly.
When I pushed it to the live server it gives the error:
Variable is undefined: 'Session'
/FusionCharts_Site/Code/ASPClass/Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.asp, line 209
Since I have made absolutely no changes the only thing that comes to mind is that there may be a setting that needs to be applied to the production server so that it works. I'm trying to get a little more information before I call the IT group responsible for maintaing the live server.
Any thoughts on this?
==== HERE IS THE UNALTERED ASP FILE (Combination.asp) THAT I USED =+==
<% option explicit %>
'We've included ../Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.asp, which contains FusionCharts ASP Class
'to help us easily embed the charts.
<!--#include file="../Includes/FusionCharts_Gen.asp"-->
FusionCharts V3 - Array Example using Combination Column 3D Line Chart
'You need to include the following JS file, if you intend to embed the chart using JavaScript.
'Embedding using JavaScripts avoids the "Click to Activate..." issue in Internet Explorer
'When you make your own charts, make sure that the path to this JS file is correct. Else, you would get JavaScript errors.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
<h2><a href="" target="_blank">FusionCharts V3</a> Examples</h2>
<h4>Plotting Combination chart from data contained in Array.</h4>
'In this example, using FusionCharts ASP Class
'we plot a Combination chart from data contained in arrays.
'' The arrays need to be of the following structure :
'1. Array to store Category Namesnames :
' A single dimensional array storing the category names
'2. A 2 Dimensional Array to store data values
' ** Each row will store data for 1 dataset
' Column 1 will store : Dataset Series Name.
' Column 2 will store : Dataset attributes like parentYAxis=s etc.
' (as list separated by delimiter.)
' Column 3 and rest will store : values of the dataset
'Store Quarter Name
dim arrDataCat(4)
arrDataCat(0) = "Quarter 1"
arrDataCat(1) = "Quarter 2"
arrDataCat(2) = "Quarter 3"
arrDataCat(3) = "Quarter 4"
'Store Revenue Data
dim arrData(2, 6)
arrData(0,0) = "Revenue"
arrData(0,1) = "showValues=0;" ' Dataset Parameters
arrData(0,2) = 576000
arrData(0,3) = 448000
arrData(0,4) = 956000
arrData(0,5) = 734000
'Store Quantity Data
arrData(1,0) = "Quantity"
arrData(1,1) = "parentYAxis=S" ' Dataset Parameters
arrData(1,2) = 576
arrData(1,3) = 448
arrData(1,4) = 956
arrData(1,5) = 734
dim FC
' Create FusionCharts ASP class object
set FC = new FusionCharts
' Set chart type to MSColumn3DLineDY
call FC.setChartType("MSColumn3DLineDY")
' Set chart size
call FC.setSize("600","300")
' Set Relative Path of swf file.
call FC.setSWFPath("../../FusionCharts/")
dim strParam
' Define chart attributes
strParam="caption=Product A - Sales Details;PYAxisName=Revenue;SYAxisName=Quantity (in Units);numberPrefix=$;sNumberSuffix= unit"
' Set chart attributes
call FC.setChartParams(strParam)
' Pass the 2 arrays storing data and category names to
' FusionCharts ASP Class function addChartDataFromArray
call FC.addChartDataFromArray(arrData, arrDataCat)
' Render Second Chart with JS Embedded Method
call FC.renderChart(false)
<a href='../NoChart.html' target="_blank">Unable to see the chart above?</a>
<H5 ><a href='../default.htm'>« Back to list of examples</a></h5>