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About eshban

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi I am working on fusion maps and developing the copy of script running at homepage. In that website, there is a map; when someone clicks on its destination then a new map loads and show different regions on the map. I need to ask that where can i get the 'X' and 'Y' co-ordinates of different countries i.e. pakistan, india, bangladesh etc? I have read the online documentation but it only gives me the co-ordinates of CITIES where as I need values for countries. Kindly help in this regard. Eshban
  2. Thanks for the reply. Actually the reference website which i have provided in my first post is not mine site. It was developed by someone else. I need to copy the same functionality into my website (i.e. To open a new map, after clicking on it). You have suggested me a "Drill Down Feature". Are you sure that by using this I will be successful in achieving my task? I would be very thankful to you if you provide me any additional information in this regard. Best Regards, Eshban Bahadur
  3. Hi, I am using fusion maps in one of my website. My reference website is When you open this website, you will see a map appearing at the middle section of the page. This type of map is available in FUSION MAPS. When user put a cursor on any location of map, then it will show some numeric value. This option is also available in fusion map My Problem When you click on the map (on any region), then after clicking it will open a new map. I need that thing, but in fusion maps package, I did not find this type of map. a) Can I need some custom programming to do the same type of implementation in my website Can I modify the SWF files provided by FusionMAp? c) Any solution that how can i achieve this thing. Kindly Help in this regard