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Hi Team, I am not able to generate the angular chart if the scope variables are present inside the HTTP request. Thanks in advance . If the scope is available outside http it works perfect. Thanks . Any help on this is appreciated Html <html ng-app="HelloApp"> <body ng-controller="MyController"> {{myDataSource1}} <div > <fusioncharts id="mychartcontainer" chartid="mychart" width="400" height="200" type="column2d" datasource="{{myDataSource}}" ></fusioncharts> </div> </body> </html> JS var app = angular.module('HelloApp', ["ng-fusioncharts"]); app.controller('MyController', function ($scope,$http) { var req='Any Rest URL'; $http({ method: 'GET', url: req }).then(function successCallback(response) { //var data=[]; alert("test"); $scope.myDataSource1="nretes" $scope.myDataSource = { chart: { caption: "Harry's SuperMart", subCaption: "Top 5 stores in last month by revenue", numberPrefix: "$" }, data: [{ label: "Bakersfield Central", value: "880000" }, { label: "Garden Groove harbour", value: "730000" }, { label: "Los Angeles Topanga", value: "590000" }, { label: "Compton-Rancho Dom", value: "520000" }, { label: "Daly City Serramonte", value: "330000" }] }; }, function errorCallback(response) { $scope.Status="failed"; // $scope.Results=gems; //$scope.gridOptions.data= gems; alert("failure"); }); });
Hi Team, I am trying to incorporate angular js wiht fusion chart. I downloaded all necessary pluguin. i have issue in getting the JSON value from HTTP Request. Angular Snippet firstway <div ng-controller="FusionCH2" > <fusioncharts width="350" height="400" type="pie2d" chart="{{attrs}}" datasource="{{myDataSource1}}"></fusioncharts> </div> Secondway <div ng-controller="FusionCH2" > <fusioncharts width="350" height="400" type="pie2d" datasource="{{myDataSource1}}"></fusioncharts> </div> angular JS JsApp2.controller('FusionCH2', function($scope,$http,$rootScope,$location) { //alert("hai"); // $scope.finalDataSource1 ={}; var qstring= "ACCOUNT_ID="+"1138"; var RESTURLChart= "RESTServiceURl"; // alert(RESTURLChart); $http({ method: 'GET', url: RESTURLChart }).then(function successCallback(response) { //var data=[]; alert("i am in "); $scope.myDataSource=response.data; // this is how is passed for way 1 $scope.attrs=$scope.myDataSource.Chart; $scope.myDataSource1 = {data:[ { "label": "Teenage", "value": "1250400" }, { "label": "Adult", "value": "1463300" }, { "label": "Mid-age", "value": "1050700" }, { "label": "Senior", "value": "491000" } ]}; console.log($scope.myDataSource.Chart); console.log( $scope.myDataSource1); //$scope.finalDataSource1 = $scope.finalDataSource; //alert($scope.finalDataSource); }, function errorCallback(response) { $scope.Status="failed"; alert("failure"); }); //$rootScope.finalDataSource=$rootScope.finalDataSource1; /* $scope.attrs = { "caption": "Split of Visitors by Age Group", "subCaption": "Last year", "paletteColors": "#0075c2,#1aaf5d,#f2c500,#f45b00,#8e0000", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "showBorder": "1", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "borderAlpha": "20", "use3DLighting": "0", "showShadow": "0", "enableSmartLabels": "0", "startingAngle": "0", "showPercentValues": "1", "showPercentInTooltip": "0", "decimals": "1", "captionFontSize": "14", "subcaptionFontSize": "14", "subcaptionFontBold": "0", "toolTipColor": "#ffffff", "toolTipBorderThickness": "0", "toolTipBgColor": "#000000", "toolTipBgAlpha": "80", "toolTipBorderRadius": "2", "toolTipPadding": "5", "showHoverEffect":"1", "showLegend": "1", "legendBgColor": "#ffffff", "legendBorderAlpha": '0', "legendShadow": '0', "legendItemFontSize": '10', "legendItemFontColor": '#666666' }; $scope.myDataSource1 = {data:[ { "label": "Teenage", "value": "1250400" }, { "label": "Adult", "value": "1463300" }, { "label": "Mid-age", "value": "1050700" }, { "label": "Senior", "value": "491000" } ]};*/ ./* This is the json i get from my rest service { "pxObjClass":"aig-FW-GRASP-Int-Svcs-ResponseMessage" ,"Chart":{ "BgColor":"#ffffff" ,"BorderAlpha":"20" ,"Caption":"Recommendation By Type" ,"CaptionFontSize":"14" ,"Decimals":"1" ,"EnableSmartLabels":"0" ,"LegendBgColor":"#ffffff" ,"LegendBorderAlpha":"0" ,"LegendItemFontColor":"#666666" ,"LegendItemFontSize":"10" ,"LegendShadow":"0" ,"PaletteColors":"#0075c2,#1aaf5d,#f2c500,#f45b00,#8e0000" ,"pxObjClass":"aig-FW-GRASP-Int-Svcs-" ,"showBorder":"1" ,"ShowHoverEffect":"1" ,"ShowLegend":"1" ,"ShowPercentInTooltip":"0" ,"ShowPercentValues":"1" ,"ShowShadow":"0" ,"StartingAngle":"0" ,"SubcaptionFontBold":"0" ,"SubcaptionFontSize":"14" ,"ToolTipBgAlpha":"80" ,"ToolTipBgColor":"#000000" ,"ToolTipBorderRadius":"2" ,"ToolTipBorderThickness":"0" ,"ToolTipColor":"#ffffff" ,"ToolTipPadding":"5" ,"Use3DLighting":"0" } ,"data":[ { "Label":"Human Element" ,"pxObjClass":"aig-FW-GRASP-Int-Svcs-" ,"Value":"21" } ,{ "Label":"Physical Protection" ,"pxObjClass":"aig-FW-GRASP-Int-Svcs-" ,"Value":"17" } ] } */ }); For the above details the chart is not getting generated in front end. My Service is returning the JSON. But using the response data in http REST part chart is not rendering. But when i just take the JSON values and present it to a scope variable it is working as expected. Not sure what i am missing . Thanks in advance
Hi , in most of the places i am seeing All code discussed here is present in Download Package > Code > J2EE > BasicExample folder. Can someone please help me where the download package is. i just downloaded the trial version of the fusioncharts-suite-xt but i am not able to find the same there. Thanks. Please help me on that
Hi, Thanks for the sample. i understand but from 3.6 version of fusion charts, you guys are deprecating the flash version of chart and bringing javascript feature right... Correct me if i am wrong , thanks in advance. Since i tried the same in 3.6 version of the fusion chart xt. but still i cannot export java script chart but i can achieve the same with flash chart...
Hi Haritha, where to specify the exported chart image file name .i am seeing the file being exported but they are with different names, something which fusion charts itself names..
will be more appreciated , if you could share us the sample application file, thanks in advance
Hi, The thread what you have shared. is something like exporting the image from client end to server end. Is there any possibility of saving the image directly in server, without rendering it on the user interface (Client side browser). in other words behind the scene the chart should be generated and saved on the server for the data sets which the user is entering. (There will not be any action in UI) Any lime light for the above problem is much appreciated
Hi Team, Thanks for the early response. My intention with fusion chart is to import the chart as an image in any server path. Is there any any possibility to achieve that. The end product of our application is a pdf file which contains lot of chart and data. It would be great if you could guide on how to achieve this.. I believed the below link but i am not sure of the jar files mentioned. i got one of the jar from ur sample , can anyone please help me on that. thanks in advance http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/exporting-image/server-side/ECServerSave.html