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About marcolisys

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi there, I am going to embed a map on a page. The thing is that all the entities are of the same background color. I am using as well a hoverColor (different from backgound one) for the entities (the same hoverColor for all). The idea is to link the click on an entity with a combo and that I want the hoverColor to stay as new backgound color for that entity. In a phrase I want to change entity background color by "clicking" on that entity. Thanks in advance Ciao
  2. Oh my God. I am very sorry. What a mistake. The decimal separator shows perfect just as I've set it. My excuses guys. Thanks anyway for your previous help. Shame on me.
  3. Hi there, Just a little problem. A Pie2D chart. I have set this general config for the chart: showPercentValues='1' showBorder='0' bgColor='ffffff' decimalSeparator=',' thousandSeparator='.' formatNumberScale='0' animation='1' use3DLighting='1' enableRotation='1' showLabels='0' showLegend='0' showToolTipShadow='1' The problem is that the percent value labels show like this: 21,75%. The decimal separator is not correct it must be the dot one. Could you please give me a hand with this issue? Thanks in advance. I am sure you can help. Ciao. Best regards
  4. Charts loading

    Hi there, I'm afraid that using window.onload does not solve the problem. It still takes near 10 seconds the page to load. So annoying. Maybe due to something else not related with FusionCharts?? Really don't know. It does not seem to be so but... Thanks anyway. If you have any other idea would be great. I go on searching. Ciao
  5. Hi again, Here it goes, the xml you asked me for. Hope it helps. Thanks again. Looking forward to read your answer. Ciao evolucion.xml
  6. Hi there, The thing is that I have included a MSLine chart on a particular page of a web site and in every serie there are points corresponding the x-axis labels. A problem for me is that configured tooltip for each point of each serie only shows exactly on that points, no tooltip along the rest of series. For me that's a problem. I would prefer tooltip showing continuosly at every pixel of each serie, referring to previous point of the serie. Is this possible? Thanks very much in advance. Looking forward to read your answer. Ciao -- marcolisys
  7. Charts loading

    Hi all, I'm dealing with a little-big problem. I'm including a Multi-series line chart in one particular page of a web site. The problem is that when you follow the link that lead to the page including the chart that page does not load at all until the chart is ready to display completely(this ay take a few seconds). This effect is quite annoying as you can suppose. How can avoid this? I am using the Javascript way to render the chart: 1) new FusionCharts... 2) setDataURL... 3) render... Also happens with setDataXML instead of setDataURL. Everything else is fine with the chart except this problem. Your help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance. Ciao