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Everything posted by nih

  1. When I try all steps, I get the following error. Message: '$' is undefined Line: 16 Char: 13 Code: 0 URI: http://localhost/PharmacyWaittimeTracker/JScript.js
  2. Hi All, I am facing a strange issue. I try to generate a pie chart using the following code, which works fine on my local machine but does not create pie chart on the server. What could be the issue. Literal1.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/Pie3D.swf", "", strXML, "productSales", "100%", "100%", false, true, false); Any help will be greatly appreciate. Thanks
  3. Hi All, In 3D Pie chart it shows actual numbers for each slice. When bring cursor over a slice it shows %. I want the reverse. I want to show percent value on the chart and actual number when bring cursor over the chart. How could I do this? Thank you,