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Everything posted by vacek

  1. Hi, Has anyone found a good way to export charts automatically and have them emailed as attachments ? Essentially, I have a particular chart that I would like to have automatically exported/emailed on Monday mornings. The chart is dynamic in that the data is pulled from MySQL and the URL requires to attributes ( myChart.php?region=na&week=5 ) I've fiddled with Cron Jobs, but no luck. Any way to have the chart automatically generated and emailed out ? Thanks for any advice.
  2. My chart contains approx: 66 entries ... however the x-axis labels are only showing every second label. I have tried. labelDisplay = rotate & auto labelStep = 1 However I cannot seem to get all labels to show up. Chart size is 900w x 500h Any way to get them all to show ?
  3. All, How can I make part of the caption a different font color ? I want the $practice_longName in the middle to be Blue (in the attached image, it is the word "Platform") "caption": "<?php echo $region_longName; ?> - <?php echo $practice_longName; ?> - RTU for Week #: <?php echo $week; ?>", Thoughts ?
  4. render in JPG
