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About MikeM

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  1. exportChart through flash container

    Can you please explain exactly how the mechanism works? Using VB is only a test. We will utimately be using server side JS controlling flash and not a VB container.
  2. exportChart through flash container

    I think I may have posted this under the wrong forum. The problem is with Fusion Charts V3. We are using Flash 10. Can this question be moved?
  3. We are doing a simple test using VB with the flash10b.ocx loaded onto a VB form. The flash ocx container is named "flashWindow" in the main form. We can load a fusion chart just fine and set the DataXML. However we cannot find a way to make the "exportChart" functionality work. The last line of code below fails. What needs to be done to make this work when working through the flash container to make this work? Code ------------- Call Me.flashWindow.LoadMovie(0, "C:DevFlashTestStackedColumn2D.swf") Dim sChartXML : sChartXML = " Call flashWindow.SetVariable("DataXML", sChartXML) Call Me.flashWindow.CallFunction("")
  4. Can somebody look at optimizing the drawing code for the upcoming release? That chart is way too slow for what is actually being drawn. There has to be inefficient loops or math calculations in that code.
  5. I've posted the XML for your review. Pie3D.xml
  6. One more attempt at XML in the post: <chart rtsid="2" bgColor="EDEDED,FFFFFF" animation="0" defaultAnimation='0' showAboutMenuItem='0' showValues="0" connectNullData="0">
  7. Pasting XML didn't work the 1st time... Here it is again:
  8. What that a spelling mistake? defaultAnimatiom='0' Did you mean to say defaultAnimation='0' Either way we are not using animation. Its just way too slow. Something has to be wrong here. What else can we turn off? There are only about ~15 slices in the pie... Here is the chart setup:
  9. When using Pie3D.swf we have noticed that the pie charts draws considerably slower than any other chart type we have tried. All other chart types draw in sub-second response times. The 3D pie chart is VERY slow in comparison. It almost takes 2 seconds to render every time. Are there any fixes to speed this up?