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Everything posted by steve

  1. Hi, I'm trying to manipulate the layout of the legend, as I have long legend category descriptions. I'd like to insert after each legend entry, as can be done for tooltips, datalabels. However, this doesn't seem to work. Is there some way to have more control over the layout (alignment, line breaks, etc) of the legend ? I'm using 'dataURL'. Chart is a multiseries stacked chart. kind regards, Steve
  2. Hi, I how can I tell fusioncharts to limit the width of a column bar, in stead of it stretching to the maximum available rendering space ? When I have limited results (say only 1 column), it is stretched across the chart and does not look very nice. I encountered this problem specifically on the scrollcolumn2D, but I imagine it happens with other column-based charts too ?
  3. limit the column width column charts ?

    How would you restrict column size on standard charts ? Is there a suggested workaround for the scroll charts ?
  4. I've sent you a sample xml. Was this helpful ? kind regards, Steve.
  5. Any plans to add more control to the legend in the near future ? I find the layout of the legend as it is now rather cluttered, especially when you're tracking many different items, it would be nicer if the legend could be layed out in a tabular way... it's the only thing that bothers me in this otherwise great tool kind regards, Steve
  6. Sorry, some of the tags didn't survive the first post, here's the correct message Hi, I'm trying to manipulate the layout of the legend by applying the <styles> tag, as I have some long legend category descriptions. I'd like to insert <BR> after each legend entry, as can be done for tooltips, datalabels. However, this doesn't seem to work. Is there some way to have more control over the layout (alignment, line breaks, etc) of the legend ? I'm using 'dataURL'. Chart is a multiseries stacked chart. See also kind regards, Steve