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Everything posted by bbhargav1506

  1. Hi , we have developed the web applicaiton using and Fusionchart (version 3.4.0) When we are displaying the charts in the Browser 1. till 12 charts there is no issue . we are able get all its funcitonality (export , hovering on to the x axis ) but when we scroll down to the 13 chart and above . when we hover on to the x axis labels . we are getting this issue "offsetleft is undefined" in the fusionchart.js file and we are unable to export more than 12 charts . We are using the Browser IE 9 .But this is working fine in the Chorme Browser . Please let me know if any information is required . Thanks in Advance
  2. javascript : fusionchart.js : offsetleft is undefined

    Hi Vishalika , Thanks for replying . At this point I am not concerned about the Exporting I tried updating my fusion chart version 3.4.0 to 3.7.1 but . I facing the issue while rendering on the page . I am able to view more than 13 charts but when i scroll down and hover on to the 13th chart immediately I am getting the javascript error "offsetleft is undefined". This is happening only in IE . In Chrome its working fine. Can you suggest me a solution.