echo "in head";
<TITLE>Simple Chart Example</TITLE>
echo " in head2";
echo " in body";
echo " create string";
//Create an XML data document in a string variable
$strXML = "";
$strXML .= "<graph caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units'
decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>";
$strXML .= "<set name='Jan' value='462' color='AFD8F8' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Feb' value='857' color='F6BD0F' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Mar' value='671' color='8BBA00' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Apr' value='494' color='FF8E46' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='May' value='761' color='008E8E' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Jun' value='960' color='D64646' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Jul' value='629' color='8E468E' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Aug' value='622' color='588526' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Sep' value='376' color='B3AA00' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Oct' value='494' color='008ED6' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Nov' value='761' color='9D080D' />";
$strXML .= "<set name='Dec' value='960' color='A186BE' />";
$strXML .= "</graph>";
echo "string done";
//Create the chart - Column 3D Chart with data from strXML variable using dataXML method
echo renderChartHTML("/FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", $strXML, "myNext", 600, 300);
I'm new to Wordpress, and I'm trying to get FusionCharts to work on it. I've followed lots of examples in this forum, but can't seem to get anything to show up. I just don't feel like the Include ("fusioncharts.php"); is really loading. The code I have is above, it is for the following site: http://discounthuntgear.com/tryme.php
I also have an image of the "File Manager"...the fusioncharts.php file is in the same folder as the tryme.php that is trying to call it. Any advise would be much appreciated!!!