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About surajit

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, I tried to run the sample application. The program didn't compile. I included the following latest jar ( to get it running 1) DJNativeSwing.jar 2) DJNativeSwing-SWT.jar and 3) swt-3.5M6-win32-win32-x86.jar All the jar are under GPL license. But there is no 2007Data.xml, 2008Data.xml and dataWithLink.xml & chart2D.swf, chart3D.swf provided with the sample. Request you to please send the same, if possible Regards Surajit
  2. Thanks a ton for the prompt reply ....
  3. We have got a Swing Application which displays data in tabular format. We are analyzing on how to display the data in various graphs and Charts in the same Swing Application. I saw that FusionChart can be integrated with JSP but could not find any update on Java Swing integration. Could somebody please suggest how we could display the FusionCharts in Swing Application. Any demo / sample code is appreciated. regards Surajit