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Everything posted by buddydude

  1. I'm using the documentation found here to try to have my chart links open in a pop-up, but it's not working. The hand cursor shows up over the pie piece but when I click it, nothing happens. Here's a sample of my XML: <set color="33CCFF" label="Newspapers" value="100" link="P-chartPopup,details.html" /> I've actually tried pasting the examples from that link right into my XML and still nothing happens.
  2. That's strange then. I'll take a look at my Flash settings, but if there's something in there preventing the popups, that kind of sucks since we can't control users' settings. Just to make sure, can someone answer my question about the n- method? There's no way to name the new target window that opens when you use that?
  3. Sorry, neither of those worked for me. I tested a couple browsers and got nothing. A popup opens for you when you click the pie piece?
  4. All other things the same, my pie gets smaller when I go from >1 set to exactly 1 set. See the attached image. Any idea why this happens?
  5. I noticed this page: http://www.fusioncharts.com/Docs/Contents/DrillDown/Simple.html By prefixing my links with "n-" I can open them in a new window, which is a step in the right direction. Is there any way to name that target window so I can have all links open in that window?
  6. I switched to javascript embedding and I basically get the same results as before. Click the pie piece, nothing happens. Here is what's going on in the HTML that loads the chart: <div id="chartdiv" align="center">...</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("swf/dashboard/Pie3D.swf", "pieArticleVolume", "200", "90", "0", "1"); myChart.addParam("WMode", "Transparent"); myChart.setDataURL("xml/pieArticleVolume.xml"); myChart.render("chartdiv"); </script> And here is the set in my XML: <set color="33CCFF" label="Newspapers" value="100" link="P-detailsPopUp,width=400,height=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no-DemoLinkPages/DemoLink1.html" />
  7. Pie gets smaller when there's only one set

    Nice, that worked just fine. Thank you for the help.
  8. Where do you set the registerWithJS? I can't find any documentation on where and how to set that parameter. I've seen some information about that registerWithJS in sections of the documentation that talk about embedding charts with JavaScript, but that involves including a 14kb FusionCharts.js which I'd rather not do. Is there any way to set that parameter without JavaScript embedding?
  9. Pie gets smaller when there's only one set

    I'll try out your samples. In the meantime, these attached XML pages should demonstrate what I'm talking about. pieSentimentMulti is 3 sets and results in the correctly sized chart, pieSentimentSingle is 1 set and results in a smaller chart. pieSentimentMulti.xml pieSentimentSingle.xml
  10. Pie gets smaller when there's only one set

    Look at the image I attached. On the left, there are 3 <set>'s, so 3 pie pieces. On the right there is only 1 <set>, so 1 single pie piece, 100% of the entire pie. For some reason, the graph on the right is smaller. I don't know how else to explain the problem so hopefully that gets it across.
  11. Seriously? You're going to link me to the same place I referenced in my original post? I know about that documentation.
  12. Sorry if this is answered elsewhere but I've been searching here and Google and can't find anything. Is there a way to have single and double quotes in a label when using the dataXML method of embedding XML right in your HTML? Here's the first attempt I had with the HTML, the important part anyway: Obviously the double quotes in the XML closed the HTML parameter, so the Fusion Chart gives an XML error and everything after the first quote shows up as text on the page. So I replaced those quotes with either %22 or &quot, obviously with the ; on the end, just can't do it here because the forums turn it into quotes: And that works fine. The .swf loads and reads the XML correctly. But I need to prepare for single and double quotes in the XML itself. Using " or &quot or %22, any of it would break the page. Anyone got a solution for me? I appreciate any help.