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About ajaykr.choudhary

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    Advanced Member
  1. Hi Fusion chart supports the setting of min ,max and interval values in x-axis label or not? Thanks Ajay
  2. Hi, Thanks But I Will not able to do this as my xml is getting generated dynamically and there is not way through which I decide that when to put shownames='1' as I don't know what kind of resultset I will get. Anyways Thanks a lot Thanks, Ajay
  3. Hi, BubbleScale attribute reduces the size of bubble but x-axis label plotting is still remains same. Thanks Ajay
  4. Hi, Ya sure, I reminded you as thread was interrupted by somebody by posting some other question No issues.. You take you time.. Thanks Ajay
  5. Hi , I am still waiting for my answer.. I sent you the screenshot and xml as u said. Help me asap. Thanks, Ajay
  6. Hi, Do we have any provision to have fixed size of bubble in bubble chart? Thanks, Ajay
  7. Hi Here you go .. Thanks, Ajay bubble.xml
  8. Hi, Due to marginal difference in data bubbles are overlapping each other and because of that my X-Axis data labels are also overlapping. How can I get rid off of this issue? Thanks Ajay
  9. Resizing issue in Fusion chart

    Hi Thanks for replying. I am using 'ExactFit' only but still the result is same and I m not re-rendering the chart on every re-size as it will be a performance hit.
  10. Resizing issue in Fusion chart

    Hi, Will check the attached screen shot and get back with your feedback or solution. Thanks Ajay
  11. Resizing issue in Fusion chart

    Hi, I have a chart inside a portlet which can we re-sized. The problem is that whenever I re-size my portlet and gives height & width in % then chart labels,captions are not getting re-sized on re-sizing the portlet. Do you people have any clue abt how to fix it up?if yes plz let me know. I dont want to use fixed width and height due to some limitation in my portlet framework. Help needed urgently Thanks, Ajay
  12. can we achieve tooltip behaviour in annotation for Linear gauge

    Hi Madhumita, Do you guys have any workaround for it.. as i need it urgently Regards, Ajay
  13. Hi, I m using annotation in my linear gauge. Now my requirement is that i need to achieve tooltip behavior for one of the annotation. Is it possible to achieve it? Thanks Ajay
  14. 'name' attribute is not working in case of Bubble chart

    Hi All, Please reply asap.. waiting for your response Thanks Ajay
  15. 'name' attribute is not working in case of Bubble chart

    Hi Please check the attachment and get back to me asap. Thanks Ajay data.xml