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About bussez

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Events

    Good morning, I would use events to function as the thermometer gauge http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/y0hv49qv/ I would like to see loop temp. MAX, MIN, CURRENT. Example temp changed through math.random but I would use the 3 variables temp taken with php script. I tried without success "Events": { "RenderComplete": function (evt, arg) { var chargeInterval = setInterval (function () { count ++; if (count == 1) { value = <?php echo $max ?>; } if (count == 2) { value =<?php echo $min ?>; } if (count == 3) { value =<?php echo $current ?>; count = 0; } FusionCharts.items ["myThm"]. FeedData ("& value =" + value); }, 3000); thank you!!
  2. I see the problem of renderchart in container div ...... ...... ..... renderChart("cylinder", "", $str1XML, "prova1", "150", "200", false, false); ?> <div id="prova1" > </div> </body> </html> thank you
  3. hi I used php script http://www.fusioncharts.com/php-charts/(loading data from mysql database) I got graphic colum2d data from my database. You can use 2D line chart? thank you