Gagan Sikri

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Everything posted by Gagan Sikri

  1. Demos are not working

    Hi I checked the code you are implementing - you have not declared chart type and data format which is the reason you are getting error message `Chart type not supported`. You have to declare chart type, width, height, dataFormat (XML or JSON) and dataSource (`_chartData` in your case) inside chart object to render the charts. Please refer to this JSFiddle sample with updated code:
  2. How To Align 'chartnodatatext'

    Hi It is not possible to change `dataEmptyMessage` alignment, error messages in FusionCharts are aligned to center of canvas. Though, you can change cosmetics of message using available attributes. Please refer to this JSFiddle sample for the same:
  3. Xampp

    Hi You have to include FusionCharts PHP Wrapper in your PHP page and then follow the steps as explained in the tutorial: You can also refer to downloadable sample available in this tutorial.
  4. Hi Can you please share a scaled down sample for scenario you want so that I can assist you accordingly.
  5. Xampp

    Hi You have placed whole code as HTML markup. You can have to specify PHP and HTML code separately and to render the charts with PHP you will require FusionCharts PHP wrapper which can be downloaded using this link: Also, you have to execute SQL queries at phpmyadmin SQL interface to prepare database/data for chart and connect to that database using PHP DB connection. You can also refer to this tutorial with downloadable sample code:
  6. Hi It is not possible to disable animation for the line. Though you can use line annotations to place line between pie and label, but they are static in nature and have to be manually placed. Please refer to this JSFiddle sample for the same: Please refer to this link to know more about line annotations:
  7. Hi You can use simple labels instead of smart labels. For it you have to set "enableSmartLabels": "0". Please refer to this JSFiddle sample for the same:
  8. Hi Value text cosmetics are chart specific and are applicable across whole chart, it is not possible to get different value font cosmetics inside and outside data plots. Though you can use annotations to achieve this scenario and set the style you need. Please refer to this link to know more:
  9. Installing libraries

    Hi You have to place the JS files along with HTML/PHP files and include them using `script` tag in head section. You can refer to this getting started guide for more details:
  10. Fusion show and hide dataset by external click button or checkbox

    Hi It is not possible to achieve this type of scenario natively. But you can use `setChartData` method and on checkbox selection you can enable or disable data for that series. Please refer to this link to know more:
  11. Hi FusionCharts have deprecated support for Flash version. I would recommend you to upgrade to latest version of FusionCharts. Regarding Animation, please refer to this JSFiddle sample:
  12. Hi Chandra There is no limit for check boxes for the sample you have mentioned, you can define the number of check boxes according to your use-case. But if there are more number of dataset (columns) - I would recommend you using Multi-series Line Charts.
  13. PDF and Excel Export

    Hi It is not possible to export whole web page using FusionCharts natively. It can be achieved using PhantomJS and below are the steps how it can be done: PhantomJS is a headless WebKit script-able with a JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards. To save a chart image using PhantomJS, without rendering it in a browser, follow the steps below: Choose the download for your Operating System and Download PhantomJS. Extract the files into your application folder along with the other FusionCharts JavaScript files. Copy the `savePDF.js` file. It can be obtained using this link. To execute from a command line use the command: `phantomjs savePDF.js [--delay ] [--scale ] TheURLOfAnyDashboard outputFileName` Refer to the article for a detailed description on exporting charts as images.
  14. Mouseover tooltip is not showing in modal box

    Hi Tooltips are working fine for HTML file you have included in the query. Here's a screenshot for the same: modal box.html
  15. Change attribute value for linked chart

    Hi It is not possible to do this natively using FusionCharts. Though you can specify linked data chart config in a separate array and update that array using "beforeLinkedItemOpen" event. Please refer to this link to know more about "beforeLinkedItemOpen" event:
  16. rotate labels in multi-level pie chart

    Hi It is not possible to rotate labels in Multi-Level Pie Chart natively. "labelDisplay" and "slantLabels" attributes are not available in this chart type. Only way to achieve the scenario you want is to place rotated labels using annotations.
  17. Localization of numbers with decimals

    Hi FusionCharts suite does not allow manipulation with time and date as of now. It takes time and date input as strings you can specify the time and date in format you want as a string and it will appear on the chart.
  18. Label values overlapping

    Hi Values are overlapping due to less space allocated to plot for data series by label management, it is not possible to make any changes as it will hamper chart visually. You can try changing the chart type to "stackedColumn2d" or use annotations to display the values.
  19. Columns with transparency gradient

    Hi "plotFillRatio" uses a range typically "0-100" to specify the fill ratio from top to bottom in the charts though you can change the way it specifies gradient using "plotFillAngle". Please refer to this JSFiddle sample for the same: Regarding "plotFillAlpha", it is applicable to whole data plot, It is not possible to specify different alpha values for top and bottom of a data plot respectively.
  20. Not fully functional work with QtWebKit

    Hi FusionCharts is a JavaScript charting library and uses SVG and VML technologies to render the charts. It uses core JavaScript components of browser/platform to render the chart, you are facing issue as QtWebKit Library may not be able to support JavaScript functionality required by FusionCharts. I would suggest you to upgrade to latest version of FusionCharts Suite. Please refer to this link to know more technical specifications about FusionCharts:
  21. Gantt chart with rolling days from DB

    Hi You can define date as label instead of text-month label. Gantt charts are generally used to view progress report of various processes in a project and if date is specified as label and tasks are with start and end dates, FusionCharts will automatically create intervals based on duration passed. Please refer tot this JSFiddle for the same:
  22. Columns with transparency gradient

    Hi You can use "plotFillAlpha" to set transparency level and "plotFillRatio" to define ratio for color gradient. Please refer tot this JSFiddle sample for the same:
  23. Annotations and macros

    Hi Natively it is not possible to achieve result you need, as you mentioned it can be done combining macros and server-side variables but it will create dependency. If screen-size changes or size of chart changes those variables have to be updated.
  24. Hi You have to parse array in JSON and then push elements of array corresponding to element as per FusionCharts format. Please refer to this JSFiddle sample for the same:
  25. Annotations and macros

    Hi FusionCharts Suite use smart label management which allocates space to plot and labels based on chart dimensions and no. of data plots, In the use-case scenario you described when width of chart is 1000px then labels are not getting truncated so annotations can get values from macros and they are in place but when the width of chart is 700px then labels are getting truncated in canvas space and macros for those labels are not available that is the reason they are appearing on far left end. The only workaround for this situation is to increase the width of the chart.