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About BhagyashreeC

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  1. Hi, We are using Fusioncharts for one of our requirement. We are using a multiseries fusion chart that shows Budget on Y-axis and US States on X- Axis, Further, each state has certain different Line of Business(LOBs). This is being displayed using dataset. But the LOBs are different for different states. For instance, for LA, it can be - Fishery, Housing, Travel for FL, it can be - Housing, Travel I dont want Fishery to appear for FL. Can this be achieved. If I give 0 value such as <set value='0'> , the columns isnt displayed as required corresponding to Fishery for the particular state- But it shows empty space on the chart. We dont want this empty space. Is there a way to achieve this? Thanks for the support. Happy FusionCharting, Bhagyashree Pega Developer