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Everything posted by skhf

  1. Trying to export chart using the server side exporting .But i am taken to blank page instead of pdf being downloaded .I am using the latest version of fusionchart.Let me know where i am going wrong
  2. Hello , I have an issue with IE and javascript export .I am able to export using context menu using flash 8 in IE .I am using server side export .But same gets me an object not found error in IE not firefox though .Please let me know .
  3. The above is the xml . jsp var dataURL = '/bats/company/stocktest/'+freq+'&ticker='+tck+'&entityid='+entityid+'&period='+prd+ '&displaytype='+disp+'&indextypes='+index_type_vals+'&graphtypes='+graph_type_vals+'&cstfrom='+cstfrom+'&cstto='+cstto+'&type=XML';//+s; var chart1 = new FusionCharts("/bats/fusionstockcharts/FusionCharts/MSLine.swf", "chart1Id", "500", "400", "0", "1"); chart1.setDataURL(escape(dataURL)); chart1.setTransparent(true); chart1.render(Ext.getCmp('nav_1').getEl().id); Javascript calling the pdf. function pdfer(){ var chartObject = getChartFromId('chart1Id'); if( chartObject.hasRendered()==true){ chartObject.exportChart({exportFormat:'PDF'}); } }
  4. Exporting images server side

    Hi Boris, John Marno here, aka Bonjarno. I have made some progress with some assistance from the support person named Sudipto - but I am stuck on having to click a button as well. I have made a workaround where the initial chart is a part of a rendered HTML page (PHP and MySQL initially), and already the user is supposed to click a link to generate a PDF version of the report. So I used the link to also serve as the button click that so far FC Exporting requires. I will keep you advised of progress and am pestering them with these same questions. FYI, you do have to have the v3.1 charts - and several of ours are not upgraded and do not work at all - but I have been able to generate JPGS to insert into the PDF with Pie3D, and others. The above enquiry came from this post . I wanted to know how this can be done.
  5. Exporting images server side

    but I have been able to generate JPGS to insert into the PDF with Pie3D, and others.How did u do it
  6. Export charts to image/PDF

    I fixed this issue in IE by changing code in fusioncharts.js like this. infosoftglobal.FusionChartsUtil.getChartObject = function(id) { var chartRef=null; if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")==-1) { if (document.embeds && document.embeds[id]) chartRef = document.embeds[id]; else chartRef = window.document[id]; } else { chartRef = window.document[id];// This was the original code chartRef = window[id]; } if (!chartRef) chartRef = document.getElementById(id); return chartRef; }
  7. Export charts to image/PDF

    I have already set that to 1 and it doesn't work even if i set to true.It works in firefox .
  8. Export charts to image/PDF

    I want to add one more thing just running your examples files with download file:///C:/FusionCharts/FusionCharts_Site/Code/ExportChartSamples/JavaScriptExport/ServerSideSimple.html in IE 8 returned the same error i am getting. Please let me know what is going on.
  9. Export charts to image/PDF

    Now my issue is it doesn't work in IE .The chart renders out in IE but when trying to export using javascript get Object doesn't support this property or method.It does export when i right click.
  10. Export charts to image/PDF

    Thanks for all your help .It worked .