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Everything posted by slklingler

  1. Hello, I am using a new version of fusion charts with I am trying to make the chart background transparent. however I apparently need to set the chart container to transparent as well. How do I set containerBackgroundOpacity to transparent. Below is the relevant code from my aspx.cs page.... StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder(); xmlData.Append("<chart bgColor='#000000' bgAlpha='0' canvasBgColor='ffffff' canvasBgAlpha='0' yAxisNameFontSize='12' baseFontSize='12' placevaluesInside='0' valueFontColor='#efefef' valueFontSize='10' valueFontBold='1' rotateValues='0' labelDisplay='rotate' slantLabels='1' useroundedges='0'>"); while (dr.Read()) { xmlData.Append("<set label='Wigit " + dr["WIGIT"].ToString() + "' value='" + dr["OUT"].ToString() + "' />"); } conn.Close(); // Close the `<chart>` element. xmlData.Append("</chart>"); // Initialize the chart. Chart factoryOutput = new Chart("column2d", "myChart", "100%", "200px", "xml", xmlData.ToString()); // Render the chart. Literal1.Text = factoryOutput.Render();