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Everything posted by gwentltd

  1. Good Afternoon All, Not sure if this is posted to correct Product Forum so feel free to redirect or move post. My question is I would like to add FusionCharts generated Charts to an existing or new web site created using the FileMaker PHP Site Assistant. This Assistant does a nice job of creating a web site but I would like to be able to add Charts to the generated site. Any help or direction will be greatly appreciated... greg
  2. Good Morning, Using Fusion Charts 3.2 how do I make a PHP connection to a hosted [FileMaker Server 11] database in order to retrieve data to be used in a Fusion Charts chart. All the examples seem to use MySQL as the back end of the charts. It is possible to connect FM to MySQL but I would prefer to connect directly. I understand where I need to place the various components for FC on the web server but unclear as to how to actually make the connection to the FM database. Any help will be appreciated.... greg