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About PaulS

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    Forum Newbie
  1. I'm using the Multi-series Bar 2D and trying to hide the labels. $arrData = array( "chart" => array( "theme" => "fint", "caption" => "Earnings vs Number of Jobs", "subcaption" => $occupation_name, "entityFillHoverColor" => "#cccccc", "numberPrefix" => "$", "showCanvasBorder" => "0", "legendPadding" => "0", "chartLeftMargin" => "0", "chartRightMargin" => "0", "chartTopMargin" => "0", "chartBottomMargin" => "0", "placeValuesInside" => "0", "showLabels" => "0", "labelDisplay" => "none", "valueFontSize" => "11" ));
  2. Experimenting with the treemap and tried all variations of calling a JavaScript function defined in the same page. For testing have a simple function function showAlert(){ alert("Hello"); } "link": "j-showAlert" "link": "Javascript:showAlert" "link": "isJavaScriptCall=true; Javascript:showAlert" none of these worked for the treemap.