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About pihrig

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  1. right but the removes the LINE to the number... i want the line. just for it NOT to animate... Thank You -paul
  2. if i cant upgrade due to prod release.... i need to kill the animated line.. how can this be done.... i know i should upgrade, but cant currently. so please help with current version mentioned above. Thank You -paul
  3. version: FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) SR3 (12th March, 2012) javascript: doughnut2d: animation:0 but smart label lines still animate... i have animate set to 0. but the smartlabel lines still move when you click on a title... {"chart":{ "startingangle": "90", "plotFillAlpha":"FFFFFF", "showLegend":"1", "bgColor":"FFFFFF", "bgAlpha":"1", "showBorder":"0", "legendPosition":"RIGHT", "legendBorderThickness":"0", "legendShadow":"0", "legendBorderColor":"FFFFFF", "legendBgColor":"FFFFFF", "enableSmartLabels":"1", "labelDistance":"2", "radius3D":"0", "showShadow":"0", "enableRotation":"0", "interactiveLegend":"0", "animation":"0", "showValues":"1", "baseFont":"Tahoma", "baseFontSize":"14", "baseFontColor":"000000", "use3DLighting": "0", "showPlotBorder": "0", "theme": "fint", "drawCustomLegendIcon": "1", "legendIconAlpha": "50", "legendIconBorderColor": "#123456", "legendIconBorderThickness": "3", "legendIconSides": "5", "legendIconStartAngle": "60", "skipOverlapLabels":"1" }, "data":[ {"value":"~tT", "label":"Talk Time", "color":"60b990", "displayValue":"~tT "}, {"value":"~hT", "label":"Hold Time", "color":"e57368", "displayValue":"~hT" }, {"value":"~aT", "label":"Available","color":"8a6bb1", "displayValue":"~aT"}, {"value":"~nRT", "label":"Not Ready","color":"8db8ff","displayValue":"~nRT"}, {"value":"~wT", "label":"Wrap","color":"5f90b0","displayValue":"~wT"} ] }
  4. Column2D: Style numbersuffix

    we are not using flash. we are using javascript. if you know how to target the numbersuffix in a style. please explain. i would appreciate it. i have read all the docs, and cant see a way.
  5. Column2D: Style numbersuffix

    i am also trying to target "toObject": "numbersuffix" with no luck..... "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "valueFont", "type": "font", "color": "FFFFFF", "bold": "1", "font": "Calibri", "margin-top": "10", "size": "16", "ishtml": "1" }, { "name": "supFont", "type": "font", "color": "FFFFFF", "bold": "1", "font": "Calibri", "margin-top": "10", "size": "8", "ishtml": "1" } ], "application": [ { "toObject": "DATAVALUES", "styles": "valueFont" }, { "toObject": "numbersuffix", "styles": "supFont" } ] }
  6. Howdy Folks! first post. I have search and have found nothing on the topic. version: FusionCharts XT(v3.2.2) SR3 (12th March, 2012) Our designer wants the numbersuffix in our JavaScript Column2D to be styled. (sup, smaller font size, et) I have not found a way to do this. any help would be fantastic. I can't seem to be able to target it using jQuery or css after render... I was able to force it to have its own tspan by doing this. "numbersuffix": "<span class='_SmartLabel_Container tspanSup' style='font-size: 10px important!; line-height: 22.4px; color: #999999; font-weight: normal;'>%</span>", But it does not carry over the class in the rendered chart, <text x="27" y="66" style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:16px;color:#FFFFFF;line-height:22.4px;font-weight:bold;fill:#FFFFFF;" text-anchor="middle" zIndex="1"> <tspan x="27" y="55">95</tspan> <tspan dx="3" y="55">%</tspan> </text> but it is there in the html: <span class="_SmartLabel_Container" style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 16px; line-height: 22.4px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: absolute; top: -9999em; white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold;"> 95 <span class="_SmartLabel_Container tspanSup" style="font-size: 10px important!; line-height: 22.4px; color: #999999; font-weight: normal;">%</span> </span> Any help would be Awesome! Thank You and have a great day! -paul