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About crinch

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, I have downloaded FusionChart and run it, by default it has 4 products and 4 Quarters. But how I can add one more Quarter and its values. I have XML code which I can easily change and put it in the string and then passing this string to the flash object's function. For 4 products and 4 Quarters I have this code... <chart caption='Product Wise Sales' formatNumberScale='0' numberPrefix='$' animation='1' showValues='1' rotateValues='1' placeValuesInside='1' YAXISNAME='hi pakistan' yaxisminvalue='5' yaxismaxvalue='60'><categories><category name='Quarter 1' /><category name='Quarter 2' /><category name='Quarter 3' /><category name='Quarter 4' /><category name='Quarter 5' /></categories><dataset seriesName='Product A' ><set value='60' /><set value='40' /><set value='55' /><set value='45' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Product B' ><set value='5' /><set value='40' /><set value='50' /><set value='30' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Product C' ><set value='45' /><set value='55' /><set value='34' /><set value='43' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Product D' ><set value='43' /><set value='40' /><set value='45' /><set value='32' /></dataset></chart> but where I will add more code if I want to add one more Quarter i.e; Quarter 5 and its values Thanks in advance CRINCH