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Everything posted by ganesh1412

  1. Hi, I am using jboss-seam framework with eclypse IDE for a project. as part of my project i want to show a USA map and let the user select as many states (like NY, WA, DC) he wants and update the selected states in an array or list in my bean. is this possible in Fusion Maps. if so is there any sample code available for the same. Thank you, Ganesh
  2. Fusion map not working

    Hi, I am using jBoss-Seam framework with eclipse platform with jBoss 5.1 server and using the trial version of Fusion map v3. i am trying to get the following code working(also attached). /p> ""> xmlns:s="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:rich="" xmlns:a="" template="layout/template.xhtml"> location_01 var map = new FusionMaps("FCMap_World.swf", "Map1Id", "750", "400", "0", "0"); map.setDataURL("FirstData.xml"); map.render("mapdiv"); but the map is not visible. What could have went wrong. Thanks in advance. Ganesh location_01.txt
  3. Fusion map not working

    Hi Madhumitha, THanks for the timely help. i can get the map on my screen now. Thank you, Ganesh