I have successfully created a column2d chart with the code below but when I change the chart type to scrollcolumn2d it doesn't render anything, it just states "no data to display."
if ($chartResult) {
$arrData = array(
"chart" => array(
"caption"=> "Sales Trends",
"subcaption"=> "FY 2012 - FY 2013",
"xaxisname"=> "Agency No.",
"yaxisname"=> "Pounds",
"showvalues"=> "1",
"placeValuesInside"=> "1",
"rotateValues"=> "1",
"valueFontColor"=> "#ffffff",
"baseFontColor"=> "#333333",
"baseFont"=> "Helvetica Neue,Arial",
"captionFontSize"=> "14",
"subcaptionFontSize"=> "14",
"subcaptionFontBold"=> "0",
"showborder"=> "0",
"paletteColors"=> "#EED17F,#97CBE7,#074868,#B0D67A,#2C560A,#DD9D82",
"bgcolor"=> "#FFFFFF",
"showalternatehgridcolor"=> "0",
"showplotborder"=> "0",
"labeldisplay"=> "WRAP",
"divlinecolor"=> "#CCCCCC",
"showcanvasborder"=> "0",
"linethickness"=> "3",
"plotfillalpha"=> "100",
"plotgradientcolor"=> "",
"numVisiblePlot"=> "12",
"divlineAlpha"=> "100",
"divlineColor"=> "#999999",
"divlineThickness"=> "1",
"divLineDashed"=> "1",
"divLineDashLen"=> "1",
"divLineGapLen"=> "1",
"scrollheight"=> "10",
"flatScrollBars"=> "1",
"scrollShowButtons"=> "0",
"scrollColor"=> "#cccccc",
"showHoverEffect"=> "1"
$arrData["data"] = array();
while($cRow = mysql_fetch_array($chartResult)) {
array_push($arrData["data"], array(
"label" => $cRow['ProgramNumber'],
"value" => $cRow['SUMTotalAmount'],
"link" => "programreport.php?t=Donor"
$jsonEncodedData = json_encode($arrData);
$columnChart = new FusionCharts("scrollcolumn2d", "TotalPoundsbyProgramChart" , 800, 300, "TotalPoundsbyProgram", "json", $jsonEncodedData);
echo("<tr><td><div id='TotalPoundsbyProgram' align='center'><!-- Fusion Charts will render here--></div></td></tr>");