Hello, I am new to fusion charts and I have been searching through the documentation, however I am unable to accomplish a task.
I am using fusioncharts v3 to plot 2 line graphs. I want one of the line graphs(dataset1) to just be a continuos horizontal line with hidden points. I think I am close, I have the graph showing only the first and last point, however I would like to hide those two endpoints if possible. My code is below, and any help is greatly appreciated.
<graph caption='' xAxisName='Date' yAxisName='Amount' slantLabels='1' labelDisplay='ROTATE' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' showValues='0' connectNullData='1'>
<category name='1/07' />
<category name='4/07' />
<category name='7/07' />
<category name='10/07' />
<category name='11/07' />
<dataset seriesName='Data1'>
<set value='500' showValue='0' />
<set />
<set />
<set />
<set value='500' showValue='0' />
<dataset seriesName='Data2'>
<set value='100' HoverText='100' />
<set value='200' HoverText='200' />
<set value='300' HoverText='300' />
<set value='400' HoverText='400' />
<set value='500' HoverText='500' />
Thanks in advance.