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Everything posted by vamsi.bvk

  1. Can we expect dragging the task bars action in future releases? It is very much needed for our project. And also without verticle scrolling it is very difficult to work on gantt.
  2. Is there anything like Transparency in task attribute of gantt chart xml.
  3. Transparency in task attribute of gantt chart.

    Hi Bhasundara, Thanks for replying. Here I am attaching the two screen shots and if you observe the tool tips of the screen shots you can observe overlaping of the two task bars. Thanks untitled1.bmp untitled2.bmp
  4. Transparency in task attribute of gantt chart.

    Here I am atttaching the xml File. chart.xml
  5. Transparency in task attribute of gantt chart.

    Hi Raj, Thanks for your respnse. In my case even Alpha is not working. If you want i can share you my xml file file through email. Here i am giving example: start="06:00:00" end="15:00:00" taskId="2" start="12:00:00" end="18:00:00" taskId="3" If we observe above tasks start and end times the timings are overlapping. So in visual representation i need to display the everlaping time with different representation without adding a new task. Awaiting for your reply. Thanks
  6. Drag option in Gantt Chart

    Hi All, When are you planning your next release. Drag option is the main requirement for us. Please let us know When can we expect this option in gantt chart?
  7. Can we use right click option at task level in gantt chart? Presently if we right click it is on the complete chart, instead can we use this feature at task bar level.
  8. Hi All, My Gantt Chart is not displaying properly in IE7 where as it is displaying properly in Firefox. Any Help? Thanks Vamsi
  9. Gantt Chart is not displaying properly in IE

    We identified the cause for this issue. The gradients that we are using for painting the page is causing the scrolling issue.
  10. Gantt Chart is not displaying properly in IE

    Madhumita, Thanks For replying. I will mail the xml file. Thanks
  11. Gantt Chart is not displaying properly in IE

    Any help from fusion widgetss team??? Thanks
  12. Gantt Chart is not displaying properly in IE

    Ghoshal, Here I am attaching updated attachment of gantt chart which was rendered in firefox. Thanks Vamsi
  13. Gantt Chart is not displaying properly in IE

    Ghoshal, Here I am attaching the gantt chart which was rendered in Firefox browser. Thanks Vamsi
  14. Hi All, Can we have Multiple legends in Gantt Chart? (i.e. One legend is on top of the chart and other at the bottom of the chart kind of provision.) Thanks Vamsi
  15. Gantt Chart is not displaying properly in IE

    Hi Ghoshal, Thanks for quick response. Here I am attaching the xml and screen shot. Main problem in IE is while scrolling the page we are getting issues. Thanks Vamsi
  16. Hi All, I am getting "Fusion Widgets Evaluation" on the top left of my chart and do we have any way to remove this one from my chart. Thanks Vamsi
  17. Drag Option in Gantt chart

    Hi All, Do we have any option in gantt charts like dragging the bars in UI directly (i.e. Can I extend the bar dynamically in the UI by dragging the bar)? Does fusionwidgets Gantt Chart support this? Thanks in Advance..