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About gpopella

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    Forum Newbie
  1. I'm having difficulties with connecting Collabion Charts to an Oracle DB, and I'm hoping I can get some help here as I like this product a lot, and so do my superiors I researched all the other forum content here in regard to Collabion/Oracle. I've installed the Oracle 11G client on both my Web and App servers (as I was not sure how Collabion would be routed to connect to the Oracle DB). Do I need to install on the SQL server? I would prefer to connect to the server directly in the web part, but it only asks for the server, username and PW which I understand will not allow a connection, but one of the forum posts I read here suggested to connect via putting a string in the server field such as: (Description=(Address_List=(Address=(Protocol=TCP)(Host=[serverName])(Port=1523)))(Connect_Data=(Service_Name=[service Name])(Instance_Name=[Your instance name]))) I tried the following and was not successful: (Description=(Address_List=(Address=(Protocol=TCP)(Host=X.X.X.X)(Port=1523)))(Connect_Data=(SID=CDW10B)) After install of the 11G client, I've managed to connect to the Oracle DB in question via the MS ODBC Data Sources (64bit) connection on each of those two servers. Also, our Oracle consultant was able to connect via the command prompt. I can connect to the Oracle DB in Collabion Charts via inputting a connection string, but no queries work (either they get a "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow" or an "ERROR [HYT00} {Oracle][ODBC}[Ora] ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation" Am I doing something wrong with the above material? I would definitely be grateful for assistance on this!