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About ewang

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    Forum Newbie
  1. umm....it is pretty inconvenient. It would be nice to do getAttribute() and setAttribute() to update the chart tho. Say I want to update the range of the gauge based on user action, it would be handy if these functionality is there. Thanks
  2. Is there an API similar to "node.getAttribute" to get the attribute value of a node in the data XML file through javascript? I can't seem to find it in the online doc.
  3. Thanks! it works! FC_ChartUpdated is not in the online documentation, please update the doc.
  4. Hi, I am using the real-time support in Angular Widget. It updates nicely every 1 second with dataStreamURL, and I now want to add a trend point in to the chart so that it will be pushed forward by the needle as the needle moves. So it will simulate a **moving** high watermark effect. I understand the trend point is statically defined in the XML file. But is there a way to capture the event as soon as the chart receives a new value in order to do tricks with the trend point? Would it be nice to have the chart raise an event similar to FC_DataLoaded(DOMId).....? Instead of raising an event once, it raises an event everytime a new value is received. Thanks