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About rawness

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    Forum Newbie
  1. How to Order Data in Pie Charts

    OK, I've figured this out. If I apply the startingAngle property to the xml I am able to control this.
  2. Hi, is there any event triggered by toggling the axis checkbox on/off in the MultiAxisLine Chart? (AllowSelection option) And can each axis checkbox state be preloaded via data xml? I use this chart in a widget which has custom configurations defined by the user logged in. So a user may which to turn off an axis and save their configuration so it can be reloaded next time they log in and the axis is automatically switched off. Thanks in advance!
  3. How to Order Data in Pie Charts

    Thanks for the above post, I am now ordering my pie slices in order. However, how do I control the start angle of the first pie slice? In the below pie, I want scope7 (the largest slice) to appear with its left side at 0 degrees to the vertical (ie, at 12 0'clock). Can this be controlled?