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Everything posted by 2Atlantis

  1. Hi, I'm using FusionCharts DOM to display some statistical values in a simple html-grid (yaml-framework). In Firefox, all charts are loaded and are being displayed correctly. But when I open the same html-page with IE 6, some charts are not even loaded, other charts display some "being loaded"-text, and some are shown correctly. Does anyone knows, what I can do, so solve that IE-Bug? Timm
  2. Charts not printing in Firefox

    Hello, as I mentioned, I'm using the DOM-subset of your charts. The only "entry-point" for me is the html-code inside my html-page: < fusioncharts charttype="StackedColumn3D" dataurl="Data/avail_overall.xml" width="680" height="480" language="de">< /fusioncharts> I tried using the "exactfit"-property inside the fusioncharts-tag. But this doesn't help. < fusioncharts charttype="StackedColumn3D" dataurl="Data/avail_overall.xml" width="680" height="480" language="de" exactfit="1">< /fusioncharts> I event tried to use the chart-property inside the data-xml: < chart ... exactfit="1" ...> < categories> ... < /categories> < /chart> But this - as I expected - doesn't work at all. Is it possible to give me a working DOM-example with the exact-fit working? Greetings, Timm
  3. Not all charts are loaded in IE 6

    Hello Madhumita, I just downloaded the beta and replaced it with the released one. before: ------- as mentioned, not all charts are being loaded by calling the page even reloading the page manually (ctrl+r) does not work after: ----- not a single chart is being loaded at the place, I would expect the charts to be, I get the error-message: "Chart not loaded" Whatever the "hack" has been, it seems not to work for IE 6. Do you have any other idea how to get things working? Greetings, Timm
  4. Charts not printing in Firefox

    Hi, how do I tell the flash-file to print in "exactfit"? Giving the chart a fixed size is no problem for me, and if I can do anything to get the print-functionality working, I'll do so. By the way: What's the reason, that the IE will show a (bad scaled) Flash-Chart and Firefox isn't even showing anything? Actually I'm using the DOM-Set of your charts. But as far as I could find out, the print-bug is affected to all charts, isn't it? Greetings from Germany, Timm
  5. Charts not printing in Firefox

    Hi, I'm new to Fusioncharts but have the same problems, as the users in this toppic. Could you please give me an example to the work-around you described in your last post? I'd like to print the charts via firefox (strg+p). Thanks, Timm